Archive for 07/2013

Poptail (popsicle + cocktail)

A "poptail" (popsicle + cocktail) is a frozen cocktail on a popsicle stick. "Poptail" has been cited in print since at least November 2005. Chicago's DeLaCosta restaurant…

Food Sherpa

A "food sherpa" (or "food Sherpa") is a culinary guide who knows the best local restaurants and their best dishes. The Sherpas of the Himalayas are famed for their…

Kale Slaw (kale + cole slaw)

"Kale slaw" (kale + cole slaw) became a popular food item in the 2000s as kale became popular. Kale slaw contains kale and ingredients such as olive oil and vinegar -- often, but not…

Summer Melt (college admissions)

Colleges admit students in April, but sometimes those students drop out and don't enroll as freshmen in August-September. There could be financial or other reasons for why the students decide…

Cowboy Christmas (July rodeo season)

The rodeo industry makes the most money in July, specifically around the July 4th holiday. The period is called "cowboy Christmas" (or "cowboy's Christmas") -- when cowboys…