Archive for 03/2013

“Slicker than owl shit” (very slick)

To be "slicker than owl shit" is to be very slick. The expression is popular throughout the South, but possibly originated in Texas. "Alcalde oil is as slick as owl grease" was…

“Good help is hard to find”

According to modern accounts, some slaveholders after the Emancipation Proclamation or after the Civil War refused to give up their slaves, stating "good help is hard to find." This story…

“Done like a dinner”

To be "done like a dinner" is to be finished and utterly defeated. "We did him then, and I'm glad he's done now: such a man as that ought to be done like a dinner" was…

Selection Sunday

"Selection Sunday" is commonly known as the day college basketball teams are selected to participate in the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship Tournament, but the term…

Bracketology (Bracketologist)

"Bracketology" is a term that began to describe the participants in the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship Tournament. A "bracketologist" examines the college…