Archive for 03/2013

Food Swamp

A "food desert" is a geographical area where residents don't have access to healthy food. The term "food swamp" was coined in February 2009 in the paper, "Deserts in…

Baconalia (bacon + bacchanalia)

"Baconalia" (bacon + bacchanalia) is a festival that celebrates bacon, just as the bacchanalia celebrates drink and the Greco-Roman god Bacchus (or Dionysus). The term…

Pink Slip

For an employee to be given a "pink slip" means that this employee is discharged from employment. "He had had a squabble with Ray, one of the outfielders, and this coupled with a…

Selmelier (salt expert)

A "selmelier" is a salt expert, similar to a "sommelier" (wine steward). The word "selmelier" was coined since at least July 2006 by Mike Bitterman, the selmelier at…

Shmeat (sheet + meat)

"Shmeat" (sheet + meat) is in vitro meat that has also been called "cultured meat" and "test tube meat." Dr. Vladimir Mironov, a biologist at the Medical University of…

Crappuccino (crap + cappuccino)

A "crappuccino" (crap + cappuccino) usually means a "crappy cappuccino" -- a Starbucks-type coffee drink that is ridiculously expensive. "Our boys go to one of those quaint…

Unbanking (Unbanked)

Someone without a bank account is said to be "unbanked," and one possible reason could be a lack of banks in the geographical area. Someone who has a bank account but who decides to…

Liquid Gold (honey nickname)

Many liquids have been called “liquid gold” (that is, something very valuable and desired). Honey has been called “liquid gold” since at least On the Nature of Things by Lucretius (99…