Bankageddon (bank + Armageddon)

A “bankageddon” (bank + Armageddon) occurs when banks are unstable; there are bank runs and subsequent bank holidays (closures). The term “Bankageddon” (capitalized) has been cited in print since at least October 27, 2008.
“Bankageddon” appeared with frequency in print during the Cyrpus banking crisis of March 2013. A similar disaster in the stock market is called a “stockalypse.”
How does the weakening pound affect UK technology prices?
by Scott Bicheno on 27 October 2008, 19:06
When banks go bust and stock markets go barking mad, the average technology consumer could be forgiven for wondering if, bad though the news is, they have avoided being directly affected by it themselves.
However the latest upshot of Bankageddon is a rapid weakening of the British pound against the US dollar.
Target bolsters commercial team
by Scott Bicheno on 10 December 2008, 17:16
Amid all the apocalyptic talk of lay-offs, bail-outs and Christmas being cancelled, it’s heart warming to see that some companies are still expecting growth.
Castleford distributor Target Components has founded its business on the independent retailer and reseller channels and, judging by its latest news, seems to be ticking along nicely in spite of Bankageddon and subsequent recession. (a spoof website—ed.)
April 20, 2009
Bankageddon 2009: Bank Stress Test Results Leaked!
World Exclusive Scandal has been sent a confidential copy of the stress test results of the world’s biggest banks, carried out for the US Treasury and Federal Reserve.
By Mark Peters
May 30, 2009 • 9:00 am PDT
Then the economic pickle produced bankageddon and a-stock-alypse.
The Week
‘Bankageddon’: 4 reasons Wall Street is struggling
The nation’s biggest banks are unveiling their quarterly earnings, and some of the numbers are downright ugly

By The Week Staff | July 20, 2011
As earnings season ushers in a string of stronger-than-expected corporate profits, Tuesday was “bankageddon” for some of Wall Street’s top financial institutions.
Barclays fined while RBS dined and an Indian gets blamed for bankageddon
2:27 AM - 28 Jun 12
Natural News
Cyprus bank insolvency crisis quickly escalating; may set off EU bankageddon
Friday, March 22, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) As you may have suspected, there’s far more to the Cyprus bank crisis story than meets the eye. It turns out the shutdown of Cypriot banks has caused a large-scale financial shutdown of the Russian government which uses Cyprus banks for most transactions.
So don’t expect Russia to try to resolve any of this. It may be waiting in the wings and actually hoping to help set off a kind of “bankageddon” that, once begun, will be impossible to stop.