Shmeat (sheet + meat)

“Shmeat” (sheet + meat) is in vitro meat that has also been called “cultured meat” and “test tube meat.” Dr. Vladimir Mironov, a biologist at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), coined the term “shmeat” and it was popularized in the NPR story, “Lab-Grown Meat a Reality, But Who Will Eat It?”, on May 20, 2008. Shmeat is lab-grown meat using animal tissue.
Mironov had hoped to introduce shmeat for a taste test in August 2011, but he was suspended by MUSC in February 2011.
Wikipedia: In vitro meat
In vitro meat, also known as cultured meat, test tube meat, tubesteak, or shmeat, is an animal flesh product that has never been part of a complete, living animal. Alternative names include hydroponic meat, vat-grown meat, victimless meat and vitro meat.
In vitro meat should not be confused with imitation meat, which is a vegetarian food product produced from vegetable protein such as soy or gluten. The terms “synthetic meat” and “artificial meat” may refer to either. The original NASA research on in vitro meat was intended for use on long space voyages or stays.
“Shmeat” is a nickname given to lab-created meat grown from a cell culture of animal tissue. The etymology of this usage is the combination of “sheet” and “meat.”
Lab-Grown Meat a Reality, But Who Will Eat It?
May 20, 2008 3:29 AM
Vladimir Mironov, a biologist at the Medical University of South Carolina, is among a handful of scientists culturing meat from animal tissue. His work involves turning formless, textureless patches of the stuff into mass-produced form — like meat sheets, or what one might affectionately call “shmeat.”
Urban Dictionary
n., a lab-created meat product; essentially, animal tissue which has been cultured for the purpose of consumption without harm to animals.
PETA is a fan of shmeat.
by Joe Vegetarian Dec 10, 2008
Citybeat (San Diego, CA)
Tuesday, Dec 16, 2008
To shmeat or not to shmeat
Carcass consumption versus Dr. Frankenmeat

By D.A. Kolodenko
Shmeat is the dominant euphemism for in vitro meat, also known as lab meat, fleshy foodstuff created from animal stem cells placed in a nutrient-rich medium to grow and reproduce on spongy sheets (sheet + meat = shmeat).
Shmeat mimics meat and can be cooked and eaten but involves no animal killing. Scientists have already conducted some successful shmeat experiments, but we’re still a few years and a lot more funding away from picking up a pound of shmeat at the local shmutcher.
Lab-Grown “Shmeat” on The Colbert Report
“Is inescapable future of humanity,” says commie scientist
Like so many other Americans, I keep up with current events by watching satirical news shows such as The Colbert Report. On last night’s program, in a new segment called “Stephen Colbert’s World of Nahlej,” the popular parodic pundit explored the topic of lab-grown meat with predictably comic effect: ...
Food Jargon Watch
TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2009
Schmeat or shmeat, depending on your preferred spelling, is another term for “test tube meat.” Coined by Dr. Vladimir Mironov, a biologist at the Medical University of South Carolina, who is working to culture meat from animal tissue.
Mother Jones
Shmeat: It’s What’s for Dinner
—By Kate Sheppard| Wed Sep. 7, 2011 3:00 AM PDT
Would you eat a hamburger that was grown in a test tube? How about a chicken nugget from a petri dish? Sometimes called “shmeat” (as in, a sheet of lab-grown meat), in vitro meat might someday be an option for people with carnivorous inclinations who aren’t wild about the idea of killing and eating real animals.