Crappuccino (crap + cappuccino)

A “crappuccino” (crap + cappuccino) usually means a “crappy cappuccino”—a Starbucks-type coffee drink that is ridiculously expensive. “Our boys go to one of those quaint little coffee shops that serve Crappuccino” was cited on March 8, 1995 in a “Beavis-n-Butthead” newsgroup. “Crappuccino” was also cited on a Beavis and Butt-Head episode (July 13, 1995); “Crappuccino for my bunghole!” meant that the drink caused elimination. “There is no fighting the crappuccino crowd”—indicating the Starbucks-type drink—was cited in 1997.
“Crappuccino” also can mean the Indonesian drink of “Kopi Luwak” or “civet coffee,” where coffee berries are eaten and the beans are excreted by the Asian Palm Civet. This “crappuccino” has been cited in print since at least February 1996.
Wikipedia: Kopi Luwak
Kopi luwak (Indonesian pronunciation: [ˈkopi ˈlu.aʔ]), or civet coffee, refers to the beans of coffee berries once they have been eaten and excreted by the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). The name is also used for marketing brewed coffee made from those beans.
Producers of the coffee beans argue that the process may improve coffee through two mechanisms, selection and digestion. Selection occurs if the civets choose to eat coffee cherries containing better beans. Digestive mechanisms may improve the flavor profile of the coffee beans that have been eaten. The civet eats the berries for the beans’ fleshy pulp, then in the digestive tract, fermentation occurs.
Google Groups:
Christopher E. Forman
Supposedly (and I must stress that these are rumors, nothing more), our boys go to one of those quaint little coffee shops that serve Crappuccino.
Beavis and Butt-Head Season 5 Episode 35
AIRED: 7/13/95
Coreographer: Would you like some capuchino?
Butt-head: Huh huh huh huh.
Beavis: Crappuchino? Hee hee. Crapuchino, hee hee yeah.
Beavis: I need crappuccino for my bunghole!
Google Groups:
The definitive answer to the “Kopi Luwak” question
Jerry Coyne
The animal that produces the infamous “Kopi Luwak” coffee has been a subject of great interest in this newsgroup.  I’ve done a bit of research, and proudly proffer what I consider the definitive answer to the question of “WHAT ANIMAL CRAPS OUT COFFEE BEANS?”  (I’m a professor of biology and have consulted the appropriate references to come up with this):
The animal in question is one of the three species of PALM CIVETS in the genus Pardoxurus.  This genus contains three species, but two of them are limited to India and Sri Lanka, while the third, Paradoxurus hermaphroditus, is distributed throughout southeast Asia to the East Indies and Phillipines. Thus, the animal producing “crappuccino” is almost certainly P. hermaphroditus. Other vernacular names for this animal include “musang” or “toddy cat.”
Google Groups:
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Date: 1996/07/27
Subject: - Crappuccino For My Bunghole (0/8) Re: holographic wall in an M2 map?
IMHO, “Holographic walls” are kind of cheap and not really good map making. ...
Google Groups:
From: “Scott Reed, Green Coffee Buyer, QCM”
Date: 1997/12/09
Subject: Re: carmel macchiatto
There is no fighting the crappuccino crowd. As underlined by the huge amounts of ‘gourmet coffee’ spams to this newsgroup, it appears that quality coffee will have to be reinvented yet again.
Email: Big Return for Small Shops
Dana Blankenhorn |  September 27, 2000
When I go into any small store, I like to converse with the owner or employees. That’s why I’m there and not over at Barnes & Noble sipping “crappuccino.”
Google Groups: aus,jokes
Newsgroups: alt.tasteless.jokes, alt.humor, rec.humor, aus.jokes, eunet.jokes, alt.tasteless.humor, alt.jokes
From: J a s e

Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 20:21:49 +0000
Local: Mon, Nov 5 2001 3:21 pm
Subject: Todger Dodger…
The particularly frothy type of diarrhoea that you get when abroad.
Daily Candy
October 31, 2003
Lexicon VI
A poorly made coffee beverage that cost upwards of four dollars.
Urban Dictionary
A poorly made coffee beverage that cost upwards of four dollars.
by zooa Nov 3, 2003
Urban Dictionary
A frappuccino made in Starbucks that tastes like shit.
by Jailguard103 May 31, 2005
Google Books
The Topical Dictionary of Americanisms

By Paul Dickson
New York, NY: Walker & Company
Pg. 184:
crappuccino.. Poorly made but expensive (in the $4 range) coffee drink. Term first reported by the DailyCandy Web site.
Kopi Luwak: Indonesia’s rich cup or ‘crappuccino’?
By Sara Sidner, CNN
November 26, 2010 6:40 a.m. EST
(CNN)—If you are a coffee lover you might be tempted to pay for a cup of the most expensive coffee in the world. Indonesia’s velvety tasting brew, Kopi Luwak, gives new meaning to rich coffee. It can cost up to $50 per cup.
Food trivia questions answered
What is a Crappuccino?
Posted September 8, 2012 – 5:18 pm in: nonalcoholic
Posted September 8, 2012 at 7:19 pm
A cappuccino with crap on it? Or a crappy frappuccino.