Archive for 08/2012

“Pay the farmer or pay the doctor”

"Pay the farmer or pay the doctor" means that one should eat healthy food (that costs a little more than processed food) and stay healthy, or one should pay the doctor after eating…

BLT (Bites, Licks and Tastes)

"BLT" usually refers to a BLT sandwich (bacon, lettuce and tomato). Dieting organizations such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig have another meaning for "BLT" -- bites, licks…

Founder’s Trap

"Founder's trap" describes a problem that many new companies experience. A founder might be able to handle most of the responsibilities of a small company, but that founder might be…

Founder’s Syndrome

"Founder's syndrome" is not a medical condition, but describes a problem that many new companies experience. A founder might be able to handle most of the responsibilities of a small…

Founder’s Disease

"Founder's disease" is not a medical condition, but describes a problem that many new companies experience. A founder might be able to handle most of the responsibilities of a small…