“Why does a round pizza come in a square box?”

“Why does a round piza come in a square box” is a question that has been added to many lists of supposedly unanswerable (or “stupid”) questions. A frequently given answer is that square boxes are easier to make and to stack. Also, Sicilian pizza slices are often square.
“Why does a round pizza come in a square box?” has been cited in print since at least 2003.
Stupid Questions Answered
Round pizza? Square box?
Why does a round pizza come in a square box? Because square boxes are easier, cheaper and more stackable and the people making the pizza don’t have to put them together. Plus, pizzas fit in them.
The Jedi Academy Forums
Unanswerable riddles
Jan 10 2003 09:16pm
Sorry to double post, but i have some more stupid questions to boggle your mind…
What do vegetarians feed their dogs?
Can someone give up lent for lent?
Why would Dodge make a car called Ram?
Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
Google News Archive
20 February 2003, The Dispatch (Lexington, NC), “There are lots of things that amaze, amuse and bug him” by Jim Barr, pg. 10A, col. 3:
Why does round pizza come in a square box?
20 October 2003, Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, WI), “Wondering aloud…,” pg. B1, col. 1:
Why does round pizza come in a square box?
New York (NY) Post
Head-scratchers aplenty
Last Updated: 4:19 AM, January 31, 2010
Posted: 12:27 AM, January 31, 2010
A great legal mind sent me the following but can’t remember from where he got them. Printing them without knowing their genesis puts me in a quandary. That aside, enjoy these quandaries:

* Why’s a round pizza come in a square box?
Google Books
Gags For Gals
By Bernadette McQuaid Murphy
Central Milton Keynes: AuthorHouse UK Ltd.
Pg. 4:
You start asking questions that have no logical answers, example – why a round pizza is delivered in a square box?
Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
by Raghunath Roy Choudhury
Posted July 21, 2012
TheCouchF*cker Jul. 21
1) Can’t put a hinge on a round box.
2) Square box gives more space to put condiments and allow user to more easily get at the pizza.
3) Round box is more expensive.
Cheaper and better-suited for the intended purpose.