Archive for 02/2011

Bankers’ Hours

Traditionally, a bank's hours have been short, such as from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The hours have almost never extended to the late afternoon or early evening, or on the weekends. To work…

3-6-3 Rule

The "3-6-3" rule or formula in banking meant that a bank gives 3% interest on accounts, charges 6% interest on loans, and the banker is to be found on the golf course by 3 p.m. The…

Dash to Trash

The "dash to trash" is when overbuying occurs (the "dash" to buy) of stocks that have fallen precipitously in value and are thought to be cheap ("trash") or of…

Mint Ratio

Entry in progress -- B.P. InvestorWords.commint ratioThe price of an ounce of gold divided by the price of an ounce of silver. InvestopediaWhat Does Mint Ratio Mean?1. The price of an ounce of gold…

Deer Market

A "deer market" is neither a "bull market" (a rising market) or a "bear market" (a falling market). Investors in a deer market are perplexed about which way the market…

Fallen Angel

A "fallen angel" is a company or an investment that formerly had been successful, but has fallen in value. Investing in "fallen angels" is risky -- a company could go back up in…


Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: GreenmailGreenmail or greenmailing is the practice of purchasing enough shares in a firm to threaten a takeover and thereby forcing the target firm to buy those…


Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: WhitemailWhitemail, coined as an opposite to blackmail, has several meanings explained below. EconomicsIn economics, whitemail is an anti-takeover arrangement…

White Squire

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: White knight (business)In business, a white knight, or "friendly investor" may be a corporation, or a person that intends to help another firm. There…

Yellow Knight

Entry in progress -- B.P. InvestopediaWhat Does Yellow Knight Mean?A company that was once making a takeover attempt but ends up discussing a merger with the target company. The Free…

Gray Knight (Grey Knight)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: White knight (business)In business, a white knight, or "friendly investor" may be a corporation, or a person that intends to help another firm. There…

Black Knight

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: White knight (business)In business, a white knight, or "friendly investor" may be a corporation, or a person that intends to help another firm. There…