Archive for 02/2011

Golden Hello

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Golden helloA Golden hello is a bonus offered by hiring firms if the hired joins the company from a rival firm. It is very similar to the traditional joining…

Golden Handshake

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia; Golden handshakeA golden handshake is a clause in an executive employment contract that provides the executive with a significant severance package in the case…

Golden Boot

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Golden boot compensationGolden boot compensation is an inducement, using maximum incentives and financial benefits, for an older worker to take…

Golden Handcuffs

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Golden handcuffsGolden handcuffs are a system of financial incentives designed to keep an employee from leaving the company. These can include employee stock…

Golden Parachute

A "golden parachute" is when a company tries to avoid a hostile takeover and aims to protect its top employees. A clause is added to these top employees' contracts that, in the event…

Flight to Quality

A "flight to quality" is when investors sell higher-risk investments and purchase lower-risk investments (with lower potential returns). In the past, a "flight to quality" has…

Foam the Runway

An airport foams a runway when a crash landing is expected, minimizing the impact of the crash. The financial markets have long used the airplane language of a "soft landing" or a…


"Toppy" means that a stock (or the stock market) is at or near a "top," so buying is risky and selling might be in order. "Toppy" can be a matter of opinion; one stock…

“Eat your own dog food”

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Eating your own dog foodEating your own dog food, also called dogfooding, is when a company (usually, a software company) uses the products that it makes.…

Dawn Raid

On February 12, 1980, Harry Oppenheimer (of South Africa's De Beers diamond mining and trading company) instructed London broker Rowe & Pitman to buy many shares in Consolidated Gold…

Localwashing (local + whitewash)

"Localwashing" (local + whitewash) is when a restaurant advertises that it uses locally grown foods (or when a food product claims to be locally grown), but the authenticity of the…