Main Street Media (MSM)

The “mainstream media” (MSM) refers to the popular media—a city’s local newspapers, television stations, radio stations, and the national media counterparts. Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has used the term “Main Street media” (MSM)—usually in jest and prefaced with “so-called” because he believes that the “MSM” doesn’t fairly cover the conservative side of the news.
The term “main street media” has been cited in print since at least 1996.
Google Groups: alt.rush-limbaugh
Newsgroups: alt.rush-limbaugh
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Ralph G. de Leon)
Date: 1996/04/16
Subject: Re: Major criticisms of Rush
Rush is on and popular simply because the public is literally hungry for the conservative point of view.  The main street media is in part to blame for this, they spend too much time propogandizing on their own.
My Newz ‘n Ideas
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Kerry Lied, MSM Sighed
Have you seen the Naval Academy records? No? That is because he did NOT sign the form 180. He is trying to fake everyone out, and the “main street media” doesn’t know enough to know they have been lied to. What do you expect? Investigative knowledge? You are living in dream land. Have a great day.
Source: Rush Limbaugh.
Google Groups:
Newsgroups:, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.politics.democrats.d, alt.politics.liberalism
From: “bvall…”

Date: 15 Jun 2005 09:39:30 -0700
Local: Wed, Jun 15 2005 10:39 am
Subject: Re: Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton…... Raped!
> What makes you think the Main Street Media is
> going to pile on one of their own?
Last Chance Friday, as Drive-Bys Refuse to Report on Obama’s Bill
February 13, 2009
RUSH: (...) This is David Shuster, PMSNBC, and illustrates the ignorance.  It illustrates the shill. It illustrates the depths of unprofessionalism and catastrophe to which the Main Street media has shrunk.
Ends Justify the Means for Liberals
July 7, 2010
RUSH: (...) Remember, now, we have two or three medias—or mediums—and the Main Street media, people in that audience have no idea that it’s a hoax.  It’s never been reported.
Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
February 11, 2011
Story #2: US Weekly, TIME Mag Print Fake Sarah Palin Quotes
This is what we are up against.  Any time an opportunity exists to illustrate the journalistic fraud and malpractice that we’re faced with every day when looking at so-called Main Street media, I’m gonna take it.