Fleebagger (flee + teabagger/fleabagger)

In February 2011, Democratic Wisconsin lawmakers fled the state to prevent the legislature from obtaining a quorum and voting on bills to require concessions from the state’s unionized workers. The out-of-state lawmakers were dubbed “fleebaggers”—a composite of the words “flee” and “bagger” (from the epithet “teabagger”).
“Fleebagger” sounds similar to “fleabagger” (the little-used Democrat version of a “teabagger”). The word “fleabag” means an inferior hotel (as if full of fleas).
Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
flea·bag noun \ˈflē-ˌbag\
Definition of FLEABAG
: an inferior hotel or rooming house
First Known Use of FLEABAG
Badingtionary: Gay Slang Dictionary
fleabag: [kwn Mid-and Southwest late 60s fr prose sl] an old whore
flea bagger: an elderly male homosexual.
Belmont Club
Shame, Come Back, Shame!
February 17, 2011 - 7:15 pm - by Richard Fernandez
Imagine a real case of the irresistible force versus the immovable object. That describes what is happening in Wisconsin, as the governor attempts to cut government spending, and public sector unions, supported by the Democrat allies,  are flatly refusing — and by any means necessary.
A group of Democratic Wisconsin lawmakers blocked passage of a sweeping anti-union bill Thursday, refusing to show up for a vote and then abruptly leaving the state in an effort to force Republicans to the negotiating table. … “The plan is to try and slow this down because it’s an extreme piece of legislation that’s tearing this state apart,” Sen. Jon Erpenbach said in a telephone interview. He refused to say where he was.
Rumor has it the Democratic lawmakers are holed up in a Best Western in Rockford, Illinois. The plan is probably not just to slow it down, but kill it, because it’s make or break time. Union jobs are on the line in a big way. Some news reports say Wisconsin’s Capitol is filled with “protesters,” while others say they are just union members out to protect jobs which the taxpayers can no longer afford. Either way, something’s got to give.
8. PA Cat
Latest nickname for the AWOL Wisconsin Dems: Flee baggers.
February 17, 2011 - 7:52 pm
Lakeshore Laments
February 17, 2011
Holperin and Jauch Caught on Tape in IL
The nickname for these two State Senators going around conservative online circles is “Fleebaggers.”
(It’s kind of cute.)
Gateway Pundit
Wisconsin State Troopers Sent Out to Retrieve AWOL Dems …Update: Flee-Baggers Are Hiding In Chicago
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, February 18, 2011, 12:07 PM
If you spot these dangerous loafers please proceed with caution.
Call 1-608-266-3212 at once. (Wisconsin Highway Patrol)
State troopers were sent out this morning to retrieve the AWOL state democratic senators.
The Sky 973
Free-For-All Friday and The Wisconsin FLEE Baggers…
by chip, posted Feb 18 2011 2:22PM
Wisconsin flee baggers… In 2009-10, Tea Partiers took to the streets to protest government acting against the will of the people. Today, unions are taking to the streets to protest government acting according to the will of the people.
HEH… the missing WI Senators are “Flee-baggers”... #LOVEit!
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