Archive for 11/2009

Texas Switch

A "Texas switch" is to replace one object with another (similar, but usually inferior) object. The term "Texas switch" is of unknown origin and does not appear to have many…

Coffee Summit

Winston Churchill spoke in February 1950 about a “parley at the summit.” A “summit meeting” would come to mean a high-level meeting, such as one involving the president or prime minsters of…

Beer Summit

Winston Churchill spoke in February 1950 about a "parley at the summit." A "summit meeting" would come to mean a high-level meeting, such as one involving the president or prime…

Blind Pool

Entry in progress -- B.P. The Big MoneyWord of the Week“blind pools”By Caitlin McDevittPosted Friday, November 13, 2009 - 2:05pmThe Wall Street Journal had a report this morning about former…