Archive for 11/2009

Dungeon Alley (Dungeon District)

"Dungeon Alley" or "Dungeon District" is the nickname (cited in print since 2007) for a roughly 20-block area of Manhattan (between Chelsea and Midtown) that caters to the sex…

GoCaGa (Gowanus-Carroll Gardens)

"GoCaGa" is a seldom-used nickname for the Gowanus-Carroll Gardens section of Brooklyn. "GoCaGa" was cited in print in August 2008 amd was popularized in a November 9, 2009 New…

“Something rotten in the cotton”

"Something (is) rotten in the cotton" is a Southern expression meaning that something is wrong. U.S. president Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973) is credited with saying it. "Something…


Entry in progress -- B.P. Word Spycocktailian ( n. A person who is an expert at making cocktails; a master bartender. —adj. Example Citation:"Professor" Jerry Thomas,…

“Weaned on a pickle”

Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980), the eldest child of Theodore Roosevelt, allegedly commented in 1924 the U.S. President Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) was so sour-looking that "Coolidge was…