“Why do we drive on the parkway and park on the driveway?”
"Why do we drive on the parkway and park on the driveway?" is a jocular question that has been cited in print since at least 1974, when this was printed in the Washington (DC) Post on…
"Why do we drive on the parkway and park on the driveway?" is a jocular question that has been cited in print since at least 1974, when this was printed in the Washington (DC) Post on…
Mashed apples are called "apple sauce" (or "applesauce"), but mashed potatoes are not called "potato sauce" (or "potatosauce"). Also, there are "mashed…
"Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?" is an anti-death penalty statement that has been printed on many posters, buttons and bumper stickers. The…
Not everyone has an opinion on everything. However, in a democratic society, it's sometimes assumed that everyone does have an opinion on everything. "[Discussion] What's up with…
An Easter riddle is: Q: Why do we paint Easter eggs?A: Because it's easier than trying to wallpaper them. The joke was posted to the newsgroup alt.humor.puns on April 18, 2003. “Why do we…
A popular joke about birthday cake is: Q: Why do we put candles on top of a birthday cake?A: Because it's too hard to put them on the bottom! The joke has been cited in print since at least…
"Take Me Out to the Ball Game" is a classic baseball song, written by Jack Norwoth and Albert Von Tilzer in 1908. "Why do we sing 'Take me out to the ball game' when we are…
"Break a leg!" is a theatrical saying meaning -- somewhat oddly -- "Good luck!" A joke was posted on Twitter by Ralph Tetta on July 5, 2011: "In showbiz, they tell you to…
Protractors aren't "professional tractors," but there are jokes. "Protractors $1.99 no word on price for amateur tractors" was posted on Twitter by Nelson on August 23,…
An NSFW riddle was posted on net.jokes on July 3, 1984: Q: Why do women park so close to the curb?A: Because all their life, they've been told that this is six inches: |----------| A different…
"Antibodies" have nothing to do with the bodies of "aunts," but there are jokes. The jokes became popular during the 2020 COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. "Why does your…
A chewing gum riddle is: Q: Why do worms taste like chewing gum?A: Because they're wrigleys. The pun is on the word "wriggle" and "Wrigley" (a brand of chewing gum). The…
"I'm a writer. If I seem cold, it's because I'm surrounded by drafts" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. A riddle was posted on BuzzFeed on December…
New York Irish joke is: New York Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945): Why do you Irish always answer a question with question?New York City Mayor James J. Walker (1881-1946): Do we. now?…
"Why do your kids go to school in gun-free zones, but Congress goes to work with armed guards?" was posted on Twitter by Sal the Agorist on May 25, 2022. "Why does Congress goes to…
"Un oeuf" (French for "one egg") sounds like "enough," prompting the pun: Q: Why does a Frenchman have only one egg in his omelet?A: Because one egg is un oeuf. The…
"Why does a round piza come in a square box" is a question that has been added to many lists of supposedly unanswerable (or "stupid") questions. A frequently given answer is…
"Why does a slight tax increase cost you $200 and a substantial tax cut save you 30 cents?" is a question that has been printed on several images. The saying is from the book I…
Entry in progress -- BP “Don’t ask why I need an AR-15. Ask why an IRS agent needs one,” “It’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs” and “Nobody needs an AR15? Nobody needs a…
"Why does beer go through your system so fast? Becuase it doesn't have to stop to change color!" is an old joke about the color of beer. It's not known how old the joke is, but…