“Texas women and Texas weather, pretty much the same thing”
Texas weather can be hot in the day and then get very cold at night, especially in the spring or the fall. Texas weather can also be hot or cold from one day to the next. "Texas women and…
Texas weather can be hot in the day and then get very cold at night, especially in the spring or the fall. Texas weather can also be hot or cold from one day to the next. "Texas women and…
Texas weather can change a lot -- and this has sometimes has been compared to women. The song "Boogie Mama" (from the 1998 album Lone Wolf) by Jerry Jeff Walker begins, "Just like…
Texas weather can change a lot -- and this has sometimes has been compared to women. The song "Boogie Mama" (from the 1998 album Lone Wolf) by Jerry Jeff Walker begins, "Just like…
"Texas, One and Indivisible" has appeared on the reverse of the state seal of Texas since 1961. The phrase also appears in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas state flag (signed into…
"Texas: Come for the adventure, stay for your wrongful execution" is one of several politically incorrect state slogans sold by the Jerkass Clothing Company. The slogan has not been cited…
A graphic shows an outsized state of Texas on a United States map. "TEXAS" is above the graphic and "DISPROPORTIONATELY AWESOME" is below it. "Texas: Disproportionately…
"I'm ready for the rest of this week! I have my umbrella, my flip flops, my mittens, my suntan lotion, my winter coat, my sunglasses, my thermals, my iced tea and my hot chocolate!"…
"Texas: illegally acquired; universally admired" has appeared on a list of humorous "Texas slogans." The slogan has been cited in print since at least 2005. "KingYaba"…
"Texas: It's Like a Whole Other Country" has been a state tourism slogan since 1988. 6 September 1989, New York Times, "Promoting Texas: Ribs to Chili" by Anne S. Lewis,…
"Texas -- Wide Open for Business" has been the state slogan to attract business since 2003. http://business.texasonline.com/guide/index.jspTexas is Wide Open for Business.Starting a…
"A text without a context is a pretext" has been popularized by Rev. Jesse Jackson and theologian D.A. Carson, but the saying dates to at least 1912 and has long been popular with…
The state of Mississippi is often ranked last among all states in educational and in poverty scores. Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and other states breathe a sigh of relief for not being last,…
"Thank goodness it's raining again... My mud was getting dehydrated" (or "Thank God it rained! My mud was getting dehydrated") is a sarcastic saying about getting a lot of…
"Thank God It's Friday" or "Thank Goodness It's Almost Friday" (TGIAF) has been printed on many images. The saying is an extension of “Thank God It’s Friday” or…
"TGIF" originally meant "Thank God It's Friday," but there have been many other meanings for the letters. "Thank God It's Fermented" is an alcohol version…
"Thank god it‘s friday. Only 40 more years of working" was posted on Twitter by Julicorn on February 1, 2019. That is, the speaker might have Saturday and Sunday off from work, but…
T.G.I. Friday's restaurant started in 1965 in New York City and, with Maxwell's Plum, was one of the nation's first "singles bars." ("Singles bar" has been cited…
"Thank God it's Monday...said no one ever" is a jocular one-line saying about Mondays -- the usual start of the work week -- that has been printed on many images. "Thank God…
"Thank god it‘s friday. Only 40 more years of working" was posted on Twitter by Julicorn on February 1, 2019. That is, the speaker might have Saturday and Sunday off from work, but…
"Thank God It's Friday" or "Thank Goodness It's Almost Friday" (TGIAF) has been printed on many images. The saying is an extension of “Thank God It’s Friday” or…