Alphebetical for "p"

Parasitocracy (parasite + -cracy)

A "parasitocracy" (parasite + -cracy) is a government run by parasites (or "parasitocrats"). The parasites may be the masses (parasites on the rich and the middle class) or the…

Pareve (Parve)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Food Dictionarypareve; parve[PAHR-uh-vuh, PAHR-vuh]A Jewish term describing food made without animal or dairy ingredients. According to KOSHER dietary…

Paris Texas Platter (migas + French toast)

The Kerbey Lane Cafe in Austin (several locations, originally on Kerbey Lane) is a popular place to eat breakfast (available 24 hours). An inventively named favorite on the breakfast menu is the…

Parisian (inhabitant of Paris, Texas)

"Parisian” is the name of an inhabitant of Paris, Texas. The name “Parisian” has been cited in print since at least 1905. "Parisian," of course, originally refers to a person…

Park in the Sky (High Line)

The High Line was a 1.45-mile elevated railroad on the west side of Manhattan, built in the 1930s for commercial warehouse traffic. The High Line ceased to be used by 1980 and was proposed to be…

Park Rowgue (Park Row + rogue)

Park Row in Manhattan is just across from City Hall. In the late 19th century, so many newspapers located in Park Row that it was dubbed "Newspaper Row." Newspaper entertainment columnist…


A Parks Department employee. It's either "Parkie" or "Parky." It was used more in the past than it is today. American Speech, vol. 16, no. 3, October 1941, pg. 188:PARK AND…

Parking Card

In 2005, the Department of Transportation introduced "parking cards" to some parking meters in New York City. to use…


The term "parklet" == meaning a small park -- has been cited in print since at least 1967. In 2001, Hamilton (Ontario) began "parking meter parties" at parking spaces. In 2005,…

Parkwanus (Park Slope + Gowanus)

"Parkwanus" (Park Slope + Gowanus) began as a joke on the blog F'ed in Park Slope on June 21, 2013: "Given the quality of Dino's BBQ, I feel like they kind of deserve to be…