“Money for jam” (easy money)
"Money for jam" means "easy money" or "money for nothing (little or no work)." "Still taking everything into consideration it's a great life and as chap…
"Money for jam" means "easy money" or "money for nothing (little or no work)." "Still taking everything into consideration it's a great life and as chap…
The Associated Press reported about New York-born comedian and actor and You Bet Your Life game show host Groucho Marx (1990-1997) during a visit to New York City in March 1958, when Marx said:…
"Money goes where money is" is an adage of unknown authorship that has been cited in print since at least 1891. It explains how the rich (who have money to invest) often get richer and…
Money in politics has often been described as “like squeezing a balloon" —that is, the air/water gets displaced within the balloon but doesn't leave it. The political adage has been…
Money in politics has often been described as "like water flowing downhill' (or "like water running downhill") -- in other words, an inevitable force of nature's gravity.…
"Money in the bank" (often given as "like putting money in the bank" or "like money in the bank" or "like money in a bank") means a sure thing, a guaranteed…
"Money is a bit tight, so I’m not buying any apples this #Halloween. That should save me a bob or two..." was posted on Twitter by Derek🇺🇦 on October 31, 2016. The joke is on…
"Money is gold, and nothing else" was said by John Pierpont (J. P.) Morgan on December 19, 1912 at the Pujo Committee of the House of Representatives that was investigating the power of…
American automaker Henry Ford (1863-1947) didn't believe in hoarding money and famously advised people to "use it or lose it." Ford said in November 1931: "Money is like an arm…
""Money is like manure; it's not worth a thing unless it's spread around"" is a 17th century saying that was repopularized in the 20th century. Francis Bacon…
"Corporations are not people" and "Money is not free speech" are two political sayings (often grouped together) that have been printed on many images. The saying have often been…
"Money is something you got to make in case you don't die" is a saying that has been printed on several images, usually credited to Max Asnas. The Stage Delicatessen, on 834 Seventh…
"Money is the mother's milk of politics" a December 14, 1962 Time magazine story quoted from Jesse Unruh (1922-1987), then speaker of California's state assembly. The quotation…
"As money is to New York City, the old analogy goes, so power is to Washington, DC." wrote Timothy Carney in the March 14, 2009 New York (NY) Post. It is not clear who originated this…
"Money isn't the most important thing. Love is. Fortunately, I love money" is a joke that has been credited to American stand-up comedian Jackie Mason (1928-2021). His "My…
"Money launderers are filthy rich!" is a joke that was posted on the website Pun of the Day on November 3, 2017. It was also posted on Reddit -- Oneliners later that day. Pun of the…
"Oh, 'tis love, 'tis love that makes the world go round!" is from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis Carroll. "Love" was replaced with…
"Money may not buy friends, but it will help you stay in contact with your children" has been cited in print since at least 1965. The saying was a favorite of Ronald Reagan (1911-2004).…
"Money talks” (meaning that money has influence) is an old financial saying, cited in print in various forms to before 1700. "It goes without saying" means that something is…
"Money talks” (meaning that money has influence) is an old financial saying, cited in print in various forms from before 1700. "Money talks" was printed in several American…