“Money follows ministry”

“Money follows ministry” has been called the cardinal principle of Christian fundraising. If a ministry is meeting people’s needs, then the money to keep it going will follow. The saying was probably first used by Alfred Stanway, a retired Australian missionary bishop to Tanzania who became the first dean of the Trinity School for Ministry (Ambridge, PA) in 1976. “Money follows ministry” is part of the “Vision, Purpose and Values” of TSM.
Wikipedia: Trinity School for Ministry
Trinity School for Ministry (TSM) is an Evangelical seminary in the Anglican tradition, located in Ambridge, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh. It is generally associated with the Low Church (evangelical) wing of Anglicanism.
In 1976, Alfred Stanway, a retired Australian missionary bishop to Tanganyika (present-day Tanzania), accepted the call to become the first dean of TSM.
Vision, purpose and values
8) Trusting God’s provision: We believe that “money follows ministry,” and therefore are accountable to our partners in ministry for careful stewardship of God’s money. We prayerfully rely on God’s provision and the generosity of His people in providing quality theological education at a reasonable cost for this and future generations.
Time magazine
Religion: Cleaning Up Their Act
By Richard N. Ostling/Washington Monday, Feb. 15, 1988
“Money follows ministry,” Clark insists. “No religious TV ministry will survive if it is not meeting authentic needs.”
Google Books
Money for Ministries
Edited by Wesley Kenneth Willmer
Wheaton, IL: Victor Books
Pg. 291:
All this points to a cardinal principle of Christian fund-raising: Money follows ministry. People give when they feel their needs are met. But one word of caution is in order. Sooner or later, people will assess the motives behind the ministry.
Google Books
On Becoming a—Real Man
By Edwin Louis Cole
Nashville, TN: T. Nelson
Pg. 117:
Money follows ministry. When men seek money before ministry, they will not accomplish much. Ministry and money are both means of support.
Google Books
Unlock the Biblical Factors to Multiply Your Effectiveness in Leadership & Ministry

By Tommy Barnett
Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House
Pg. 95:
We discovered that money follows ministry. Do the ministry first, and God sends the money.
30 January 1998, Pharos-Tribune (Logansport, IN), pg. A2, col. 5:
“I believe money follows a ministry. If you’re doing a good job, people see it, and they support you.”
(George Faull of the Summit Theological Seminary in Peru—ed.)
The Citizen (Fayetteville, GA)
Friday, July 5, 2002
Seminary has moved from inauspicious beginning to great success
Bishop Stanway set forth four principles that would guide the fledging seminary: 1) Start small, while intending great things; 2) Follow God’s Leading; 3) Put money in a secondary place (Stanway believed that “money follows ministry.” If a venture is God’s will, He would provide the funds); 4) Remember that, under God, everything depends on the quality of the people chosen.
POSTED ON 07/22/2009
I dropped this idea on Twitter and Facebook and immediately received some hot responses. I expected it of course, because the idea is so ingrained in people that we don’t ever stop to think about it. In a perfect world – absolutely, that’s the way I’d love things. You do great works or minister to people; and then support, community, donor dollars – whatever, will flow in.  After all, it sounds so noble and spiritual. But it’s just not true and here’s why: ...
Google Books
Render Unto Rome:
The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church

By Jason Berry
New York, NY: Broadway Paperbacks
Pg. 284:
In the words of [Episcopal] Bishop Alfred Stanway: “Money follows ministry.”
Stevens Point (WI) Journal
New building will help Evergreen Community Initiatives continue work
Written by B.C. Kowalski
12:15 AM, Dec 28, 2012
“There’s an old saying that money follows ministry,” Besemer said. “Let’s just start doing it, and worry about the money later. That’s served us well.”