Alphebetical for "f"

Filet Minyan (filet mignon + minyan)

Filet mignon (a cut of steak) has nothing to do with a minyan (a quorum of ten Jewish adults required for certain religious obligations), but there are jokes. "FILET MINYAN WITH MUSHROOM…


Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: FilibusterA filibuster (also known as talking out a bill) is a type of parliamentary procedure. Specifically, it is a form of obstruction in a legislature or…

Financial District

The Financial District is the southern tip of Manhattan, especially the area around Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange. The term "financial district" appears in 1891, but the…

Finger Building

The "Finger Building" is the large condo building at North 7th Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Why "Finger Building"? Because the building looks like a finger? Because the…

Finger Food

"Finger food" (or "finger foods") are foods that are eaten with fingers rather than with a fork or a spoon. The "finger" foods usually contain meat and/or vegetables;…

Finger Steak

"Finger steaks" are a popular Idaho dish. The finger steaks are similar to chicken fingers, and are strips of steak that are battered and deep fried. Finger steaks were invented at the…

Finishiative (finish + initiative)

Entry in progress -- B.P. HuffPost Martha RingerCompletion Consultant, Author, Soul Listener‘Finishiative’08/10/2015 01:55 pm ET Updated Aug 10, 2016Walking on the trail the other night close…


"Finntown," in the Sunset Park area of Brooklyn, was a popular area for immigrants from Finland in the 1880s and 1890s, but it's barely recognizable as Finntown today. The Finns had…

Fire Buff

The word "buff" now can mean a "movie buff" or a "sports buff," but it all began with the "fire buff" in New York City. "Buff" is short for…