Alphebetical for "a"

Adobo Sauce

Adobo sauce is a hot sauce of chiles, garlic, vinegar, onions, and tomatoes that is applied to many dishes, especially chicken. Wikipedia: Adobo SauceAdobo sauce is a sauce or marinade used in…


Adopt-a-Highway programs began in Texas in 1984-1985. James R. "Bobby' Evans, an engineer at the Texas Department of Transportation, noticed the need for cleaner highways when he saw…

Adventures NYC

The Parks Department started "Adventures NYC" in 2005, with a second annual event in 2006.…

Aeroflop (Aeroflot nickname)

Aeroflot was founded in 1923 and is the flag carrier for the Russian Federation. The obvious Aeroflot nickname of "Aeroflop" ("flop" is slang for "failure") has been…

Aerosplat (Aeroflot nickname)

Aeroflot was founded in 1923 and is the flag carrier for the Russian Federation. The obvious Aeroflot nickname of "Aerosplat" ("splat" is the sound made by a crash) has been…

African American Day Parade

The African American Day Parade literature states that it is the largest black parade in America. The parade is held up Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Boulevard (Seventh Avenue), from 111 Street to 142…

Afterburners (Jalapeño Shrimp Poppers)

"Afterburners" (also called "jalapeño shrimp poppers") are jalapeño peppers stuffed with shrmp and wrapped with bacon, usually served with a spicy queso dip. "Jalapeño…

Agent Orange Corn (GE corn)

Dow Chemical manufactured "Agent Orange," a herbicide and defoliant that was widely used for clearing jungles in the Vietnam War. Dow AgroSciences attempted to introduce a genetically…

Agg Town or Aggtown (Arlington nickname)

Agg Town (or Aggtown) is a hip-hop nickname for the city of Arlington, dating from about 2003. The nickname is confusing -- it has nothing to do with the Texas A&M Aggies. The origin of the…

Aggie (Texas A&M nickname)

"Aggie" is someone at Texas A&M. The nickname seems obvious enough. However, citations are rare before 1906. The Maryland Agricultural College (now the University of Maryland) used…

Aggie Jokes

When did Aggie jokes start to be told? Texas A&M is a distinguished institution; its students are certainly smart. Why all the jokes? There's a rivalry between the University of Texas and…

Aggie Punch

Aggie Punch is most likely named after the Texas A&M Aggies, although other "agricultural" colleges also use the Aggie nickname. The drink contains tequila, lime juice and…