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Pine Curtain

East Texas is home to the Piney Woods. For some people, the wooded area is the "pine curtain" -- another "-curtain" expression borrowed from Winston Churchill's famous…

Naked Roaches (Nacogdoches nickname)

The city of Nacogdoches is an old Texas city (it's advertised as "the oldest town in Texas") with a funny name. In 1912, a vaudeville-touring Groucho Marx declared that

Jacob’s Rail (Veloway in Austin)

The Veloway is a 3.1-mile paved trail in southwest Austin for bicycle and rollerblade traffic only. According to the 1998 Austin Chronicle (below), a particularly steep hill in the Veloway has been…

Chalupa Burger

"Chalupa Burger" is a specialty of Big'Z Burger Joint (established 2006) in San Antonio. The combination of chalupa and hamburger attempts to imitate the success that San Antonio…

Tostada Burger

"Tostada Burger" is a specialty at Chris Madrids (established 1977) in San Antonio. The combination of tostada and hamburger includes refried beans, crushed corn chips and cheddar cheese…

Energy Capital of the World (Houston nickname)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Houston, TexasHouston (pronounced /ˈhjuːstən/) is the fourth-largest city in the United States of America and the largest city within the state of Texas. As…

Worst (W subway line)

The "W" subway line has consistently been graded to be the "worst" line in the New York City subway system. "Worst" is a slightly newer nickname for the train that…

City Without Limits (Killeen slogan)

The city of Killeen has used the slogan "City Without Limits" since at least 2004. Killeen is located near Fort Hood and has a military-dependent economy. In 2008, Killeen unveiled a new…

Cactus Capital of Texas (Sanderson nickname)

The tiny city of Sanderson (population less than 1,000) has more cacti than people. In 1999, at the urging of local legislator Stillman Dudley and Economic Development Coordinator Terry Toler, the…

Tanks for the Memories (Killeen slogan)

The city of Killeen is located next to Fort Hood, first built in 1942 to feature a new Tank Destroyer Tactical and Firing Center. In the late 1980s, Killeen officially adopted the slogan,…

Lubbock Clap

"Lubbock clap" is a nickname for an allegedly large number of sexually transmitted diseases at Texas Tech University in Lubbock (called the "Red Raiders"). Articles about STDs…

Raider Rash

"Raider Rash" is a nickname for an allegedly large number of sexually transmitted diseases at Texas Tech University in Lubbock (called the "Red Raiders"). Articles about STDs…