“For once, I’d just like to spiral into control”
"For once, I'd just like to spiral into control" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. People or things usually spiral out of control. "I would like to…
"For once, I'd just like to spiral into control" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. People or things usually spiral out of control. "I would like to…
"For problems there is money. For solutions there is only innovation and ideas" is another way of saying that money is not the solution to all problems. The saying was posted on Twitter…
"I've just won the 'Most secretive person 2013' award. I can't tell you how much it means to me. #sickipedia" was posted on Twitter by Sickipedia Official on July 11,…
People are often told by new employers, "Forget everything you learned in college!" The idea behind the statement is that "real world" applications are different. A joke was…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in lockdowns/quarantines. When people went outside again, some were shocked at how expensive it was. "i havent been out in soooo long i forgot how…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in lockdowns/quarantines. When people went outside again, some were shocked at how expensive it was. "i havent been out in soooo long i forgot how…
"Unpalatable" (disagreeable or distasteful) is not the same thing as "unpalletable" (involving a pallet), but there are jokes. "Forklift operators do not care for puns -…
"A happy medium" is a saying that doesn't mean a fortune teller, but there are jokes. "All fortune tellers seem to be either depressed or hysterically manic. Why can't I…
"Old Ben Franklin may have discovered electricity, but it took that lad who invented the meter to capitalize on it" is a jocular one-line saying that has been frequently reprinted. The…
Entry in progress -- B.P.'Free ride in a police car if you shoplift from this store" is a popular sign at many businesses. Google BooksAmerican Abstract ExpressionismBy David…
"When in doubt, drink coffee and look busy" and "Friday goals: Drink coffee and look busy until the weekend gets here" are coffee sayings that have been printed on many images.…
"Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to stop me from savagely beating one of my coworkers with a keyboard" is a jocular one-line saying about Fridays that has been…
“Monday must be a man. It comes too quickly” is a jocular work saying. "Friday must be a woman. It takes forever to come" is a related saying that has been printed on several images.…
"Friday: The golden child of the weekdays. The superhero of the workweek. The welcome wagon to the weekend. The famous F word we thank God for every week" is a Friday saying that has been…
"Friends help you move. Best/Real friends help you move bodies" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "A friend is someone who'll help you move; a best friend is…
"Friends help you move. Best/Real friends help you move bodies" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "A friend is someone who'll help you move; a best friend is…
From "9 a.m. to 5 p.m." is the familiar time for work. "9 to 5" was also the title of a popular song and film (1980) of Dolly Parton. "From Nine to Five" was the title…
To go "from the outhouse to the penthouse" is to climb up the ladder, to go from worst to first. The saying is popular in sports and in business. "From the penthouse to the…
"Fun Fact: American made products don’t get stuck on cargo ships" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Imported products can get stuck on cargo ships, such as what happened…
"Funeral homes are a dying business" is an old joke in that industry. "A dying business. -Funeral business" was published in the Australian Financial Review in July 1982.…