Love Train (L subway line)

The "L" subway line (14th Street -- Canarsie Local) has been dubbed the "Love Train," after the 1972 song by The O'Jays. A Craigslist survey of its "Missed…

Manhattan Transfer

The "Manhattan Transfer" was the New Jersey stop where one had to change trains to continue on to Penn Station in New York City. The change is no longer required and the term is…


"Manspreading" is when a man -- although the term could also apply to a woman -- spreads his legs on the subway and takes up more than one subway seat. New York's Metropolitan…

Mark Twain (nautical term and name)

The American author Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910) used the pen name "Mark Twain" for the first time in the Territorial Enterprise (Virginia City, NV) on February 3, 1863. He later…