
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has long used "pat downs" to check potential air travelers for weapons. In August 2011 at Boston's Logan Interational Airport, the…

Checker Cab

The "Checker" cab is gone from the streets of New York. But it was New York. It was big, roomy, with checkered stripes on the sides. Go rent the movie Taxi Driver right now. Or you could…

Dollar Van

A "dollar van" is a commuter van. It may or may not cost a dollar. van n. In New York City and Long Island, privately…

Don’t block the box!

"Don't block the box!" was a 1980s campaign to end gridlock in New York City. Drivers were reminded that "blocking the box" (an intersection, usually with white lines…


Maybe the tour guides in those double-decker buses will kindly tell this to our tour visitors? (Oxford English Dictionary)double decker(...)b. 'A street-car having a second floor and seats on…