“What it do”

"What it do" means the same as "What's up?" Both San Francisco/Oakland and Houston claim the origin of this hip hop phrase, although African-American slang has used similar…

“What Texas Makes, Makes Texas”

"What Texas Makes, Makes Texas" is a slogan Texas businesses have used since a 1926 promotional campaign. Texas businesses also used the slogan independently of the campaign for many…

“Whatever trips your trigger”

"Whatever trips your trigger" means "whatever makes you happy" or "whatever's your choice/desire" or "whatever turns you on" or "whatever floats…

“When thunder roars, go indoors”

"You see, whenever thunder roars, most everybody runs indoors" was cited in print in 1933 and has been long-known advice, on Tornado Alley and elsewhere. The U.S. National Weather Service…