SXSW (Somebody buy Some Whataburger)

The annual South by Southwest (SXSW) festival takes place in Austin, Texas (usually in March). On March 7, 2014, the Texas-based Whataburger humburger chain posted on Twitter: "#SXSW stands…

Ta-kill-ya (tequila)

"Ta-kill-ya" is one of several nicknames for "tequila." The nickname is said when the tequila is strong. Google BooksMister White Eyesa novel by Herbert GoldNew York: Arbor…


The taco is the quintessential Mexican sandwich. It's a major part of Tex-Mex cuisine and is first cited in English (1901) in a book about Mexico City. Wikipedia: TacoA taco is a traditional…

Taco Guts

"Taco guts" is another term for "taco filling" -- the stuff placed inside the taco shell. "Taco guts" has been cited in print since at least 2003, but has been used…

Taco Polaco or Polaco Taco (Polish Taco)

"Taco Polaco" or "Polaco Taco" (Polish taco) is cited in print from at least the 1970s. The Polish taco consists of a Polish sausage in a tortilla, often served with refried…

Taco Salad

A taco salad consists of taco ingredients placed in what is often an edible tortilla shell bowl. Wikipedia: Taco SaladThe taco salad is a Mexican inspired dish whereby the classic taco taste is…

Taco Tech

Various universities with large Hispanic populations have been called "Taco Tech." The University of Texas-El Paso and the University of Texas-Pan American (Edinburg, TX) have most often…

Taco Truck (Taco Trailer)

"Taco trucks" (or "taco trailers") have become ubiquitous in Texas cities such as Houston and Austin, and in cities all throughout the United States. The taco trucks are…

Tacos de Trompo (Tacos Arabes)

Tacos de Trompo (also called Tacos Arabes) is another name for Tacos al Pastor. "Trompo" is Spanish for "(spinning) top," and meat is placed on a "trompo" similarly to…

Tall City (Midland nickname)

The city of Midland in West Texas has been called the "Tall City" because of the tall buildings in its central business district. Midland (midway between Fort Worth and El Paso) was a…

Tall-Building Lawyer (TBL)

A "tall-building lawyer" is a lawyer who works in a tall building (or, in other words, a "city lawyer"). A "tall-building lawyer" (TBL) is a corporate lawyer and is…

Tamal (Tamale)

The tamal (or tamale) is an ancient (pre-Columbian) Mexican food that's popular throughout the southwestern United States. Texas Tamale CompanyTexas Tamale Seasonal SpecialsChristmas Tamale…

Tamalada (tamale-making party)

The tamal (tamale) can take a long time to properly prepare. Tamales are often served on Christmas (and other festive occasions); before the occasion, a tamalada (tamale-making party) is usually…

Tamale Boat

A "tamale boat" is a tamale with chili, onions, and (sometimes) cheese. If served in a hot dog bun, it's called a "mother-in-law sandwich." Although tamales are popular in…