TBTF Consortium (Financial Services Roundtable nickname)
The Financial Services Roundtable is a lobbying group for big banks. In September 2012, the Zero Hedge blog wrote that the Financial Services Roundtable is also known as the "TBTF…
The Financial Services Roundtable is a lobbying group for big banks. In September 2012, the Zero Hedge blog wrote that the Financial Services Roundtable is also known as the "TBTF…
Tea parties were held across America on April 15, 2009 (tax day) and July 4, 2009 (Independence Day) to protest runaway government spending and bailouts. The events were based on the Boston tea…
"Teabagging" (or "tea-bagging" or "tea bagging") is a sexual slang term about an oral sex act. The male's scrotum is the "tea bag." The slang dates to…
A "teabilly" (tea party participant + hillbilly) is an unsophisticated person who believes in tea party issues, such as limited government. The term, like "hillbilly," is…
"Teabonics" (tea party + Ebonics) is a derogatory term for misspelled tea party signs. The term "teabonics" appears to have been coined by a March 28, 2010 photo gallery of tea…
"Teacherpreneur" (teacher + entrepreneur) is a word that has been popular since at least 2008. The word "teacherpreneurs" has been defined (see the tweet, below, from August 5,…
"Teahadist" (tea party + jihadist) is an epithet used against tea party members, comparing them to religious fanatics dedicated to jihad. The term "teahadist" has been cited in…
"Tealiban" (tea party + Taliban) is used to describe the political tea party movement that some believe is as extremist as the Taliban. "Tealiban" has been cited in print since…
"Teanami" (tea party + tsunami election) is a name used in September-October 2010 for a predicted tea party victory in the November 2010 midterm elections. "Teanami" has been…
A "Teapublican" (also "TEApublican" or "TeaPublican") is a tea party Republican, supporting tea party ideals of low taxes and limited government. The opposite of a…
A "tearrorist" or "TEArrorist" (tea party participant + terrorist) is a participant in the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) party who some people believe holds extremist views. The…
"Teatanic" or "TEAtanic" (tea party + Titanic) is a term used by those who believe that the tea party's politics is a disaster (like the sinking of the RMS Titanic). The…
"Teatard" [TEA (Taxed Enough Already) party participant + retard] is an epithet used against the anti-tax, pro-smaller government "tea party" rallies that were popularized on…
A "teavangelist" (tea party supporter + evangelist) is a Christian minister who supports the tea party's political agenda. "Teavangelist" has been cited in print since at…
Media Matters for America is a progressive media organization that monitors the conservative media, such as Fox News and talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. Some critics of Media Matters have called it…
Trans World Airlines (TWA) existed from 1925 through 2001 and was once one of the world's largest airlines, with a terminal at John F. Kennedy International Airport. TWA has been given the…
Teflon is a no-stick cooking surface. People have been called "Teflon" when things (such as criminal charges) don't stick to them. Italian-American gangster John Gotti (1940-2002)…
The Blaze is a conservative news website, founded by Fox News host Glenn Beck, that premiered on August 31, 2010. On October 30, 2010, commenter "epkkik851" at Media Matters for America…
"Globe Square" was named in 1911 after The Globe newspaper (also called The New York Evening Globe and The Globe and Commercial Advertiser, located at Dey Street, from Greenwich Street to…
The building at 60 Hudson Street in Manhattan (now called "60 Hudson") was originally the Western Union Building. It was the main office for Western Union for many years, until the…