Terrific Tuesday

The stock market (New York Stock Exchange) on Tuesday in the first half of 2013 had a 20-week-long streak of always entering positive territory at the end of the day. The Wall Street Journal had an…

Terroirist (terroir + -ist)

"Terroir" is a popular wine term that is difficult to translate from the French, but means "soil" or "a sense of place." A French wine, for example, should exhibit…

Test Kitchen

Entry in progress -- B.P. WIkipedia: Test KitchenA test kitchen is a kitchen used for the process of developing new kinds of food. On the largest scale, they are run by the research and development…

Texalina (Texas + Carolina) barbecue

Both Texas and North Carolina have important barbecue traditions. "I win all debates, Tom, when I serve 'em a Texalina or Carolas barbecue that combines the best of both" was written…

Texas Ratio

The "Texas ratio" for checking a bank's fiscal health was developed by Gerard Cassidy of RBC Capital Markets (Portland. ME) in the 1980s. Cassidy was checking Texas banks, but the…

Thai Iced Tea (Cha Yen)

"Thai iced tea" or "Thai tea" (cha yen) is of unknown origin; the tea began appearing in Thai-American restaurants in the 1970s and 1980s. Thai tea is made with sugar and…

Thankscaking (Thanksgiving + cake)

"Thankscaking" (Thanksgiving + cake) was popularized in the Huffington Post article, "Thanksgiving Cake Combines All Your Favorite Sides Into One Swell Slice. Go Nail…

The Beast (2 subway line)

"New York City's No. 2 subway line has been called 'The Beast" for several reasons. In 1979 and 1980, the police and the Guardian Angels gave the No. 2 line its "The…