
A "petrodollar" (petroleum + dollar) is a United States dollar earned by a country (such as an OPEC country) in the sale of its petroleum exports to another country. Georgetown University…


"Petrodollar" has been cited in print since 1973; "petrogold" has been cited in print since at least 2008. The "petrogold" term was popularized on the blog Zero Hedge…

Pfizer Flop

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in vaccines, many of which were made by Pfizer. The effectiveness of these vaccines became questioned, and many seemingly healthy people were filmed…

Phorrito (pho + burrito)

"Phorrito" (pho + burrito) is a food combination that has been written about on Twitter since 2009. Komodo os Los Angeles tweeted on October 26, 2014, "You believe your tastebuds,…


Entry in progress -- BP Wiktionary: photoplayNounphotopla (plural photoplays)1. A theatrical play that has been filmed for showing as a movie.2. A novel adapted from a movie and illustrated with…