Muspandering (Muslim + pandering)

“Muspandering” (Muslim + pandering) was coined in December 2015 by Mark Robinson MP, LNP State Member for Cleveland, Queensland (Australia). The politically charged term has had limited use.
“Spandering” (Spanish-speaker pandering) and “Hispandering” (Hispanic + pandering) are similar terms.
Mark Robinson MP
Call for Tony Abbott to be silent is an attack on free speech. Many Pollies guilty of #muspandering? #auspol
5:05 AM - 10 Dec 2015
Mark Robinson MP
#Muspandering Pollies putting us at risk? Can we avoid London/Paris? @TonyAbbottMHR right re Oz Islam reform @andrew__bolt #auspol 2/2
5:30 AM - 10 Dec 2015
j.r. hennessy
#muspandering… look it probably won’t catch on
11:49 PM - 10 Dec 2015
The Courier-Mail (Queensland, Australia)
Cleveland MP Mark Robinson asks whether politicians are guilty of #muspandering
December 11, 2015 12:41am
Jason Tin, Sarah Vogler
OPPOSITION Leader Lawrence Springborg has refused to rebuke one of his MPs, after he questioned whether Australian politicians were “guilty of muspandering”.
Cleveland MP Mark Robinson took to Twitter to declare that any “call for Tony Abbott to be silent is an attack on free speech”, after the former PM aired his views on radicalisation.
The LNP MP tweeted: “Are Aussie pollies guilty of #muspandering (pandering to Muslims) as US pollies are of #hispandering (pandering to Hispanic people).”
Brisbane Times (Australia)
Queensland MP accuses politicians of ‘Muspandering’ over Islam
December 11, 2015 - 4:20PM
Cameron Atfield
A Queensland state LNP MP has accused fellow politicians of “Muspandering” in their comments about Islam and has backed former prime minister Tony Abbott’s recent comments regarding the need for Islamic reform.
In a series of tweets, many of which were directed to Abbott loyalist members of the federal Coalition such as Eric Abetz, Kevin Andrews, Cory Bernardi and George Christiansen, Mr Robinson blasted politicians for pandering to the Muslim community by not linking the Islamic religion directly to terrorism.
Mr Robinson said he coined the #muspandering hashtag from a similar term – “hispandering” – in the US, which accused politicians there of pandering to the Hispanic community.
Dole Pludger
@MarkRobinsonMP #muspandering,not exactly “trending”
1:23 AM - 11 Dec 2015