Nutted Cheese Sandwich

Chock full o'Nuts coffee shops were founded by William Black (1898-1983) in 1926, when he expanded his Times Square cart into a lunch counter. One popular food item at the shops was the…

NYE (New Year’s Eve)

"NYE" stands for "New Year's Eve." "NYE" has been cited in print since at least 1974, but became popular in the 1990s. New York City holds a famous New…

Nyets (Nets basketball team nickname)

Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov expressed an interest, in September 2009, of buying the New Jersey Nets professional bastketball team and then moving the team to a new arena to be built in…

NYPD (New York Pass Defense)

The 2016-17 New York Giants football secondary was nicknamed "New York Pass Defense" (NYPD), with a nod to the New York Police Department (NYPD). Tom Rock, a sportwriter for Newsday (Long…

O.K. Bolt (tapioca pudding)

"Bolt" was old New York City restaurant slang for "pudding," and "O.K. bolt" meant "tapioca pudding." The terms were cited in an 1888 newspaper, reporting on…

OAMC (Once-A-Month Cooking)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Once-a-month cooking The concept of once-a-month cooking (OAMC) is to spend a set time cooking, be it a day or two, but with an end result of having enough…