Media Doesn’t Matter (Media Matters nickname)

Media Matters for America is a progressive media organization that monitors the conservative media, such as Fox News and talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. Some critics of Media Matters have called it “Media Doesn’t Matter.”
“Media Doesn’t Matter” or “Media (Doesn’t) Matters” has been cited in print since 2006, but has been widely used since 2009. The nickname “Media Mutters” has been cited in print since at least November 2005 and the nickname “Tedium Tatters” has been cited in print since at least November 2009. Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin calls it the “criminal front group Media Matters.”
Wikipedia: Media Matters for America
Media Matters for America (MMfA) is a progressive media watchdog group which describes itself as “dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.”  Set up as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, MMfA was founded in 2004 by journalist and author David Brock. Journalist Eric E. Burns has been MMfA’s president since its founding in 2004.
Media Doesn’t Matter for America
Media Doesn’t Matter for America (MDMFA) is a research and information website dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting liberal misinformation in the U.S. media and online.
Launched in April 2006, Media Doesn’t Matter for America put in place, for perhaps the first time, the means to systematically monitor a cross section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for liberal garbage — news or commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the blantant liberal agenda — which is updated often.
Liberally Conservative
September 30, 2007
Media Doesn’t Matter – Lies of the Left
by Liberally Conservative @ 12:05 am. Filed under Media, Military, Politics, War on Terror
The target – Rush Limbaugh. The shooter – MediaMatters and the phony Left.
Left-leaning group, Media Matters, has manufactured false information and has begun a controversy based on their lies against Rush Limbaugh’s use of the phrase “phony soldiers.”
Flopping Aces 
Is Obama’s Inauguration TOO EXPENSIVE?
By: Scott
January 20, 2009 at 4:58 am
Scott Malensek says:
The [honest] Media [Doesn’t] Matter piece has two flaws that I can see.
Topix—Maricopa County Forum
Mar 13, 2009  
The “Leftists” want you to believe they are tolerant. LMAO. They are lunatics. Code Stink, LaRaza, Gay Mafia, Media Doesn’t matters, etc. All these fringe groups that are maniacs. Far Leftists are the most crazy people you will ever meet. Oh yeah, they believe in “free speech” as long as they agree with it. Evil Evil people. They are hell bent on taking America from you. And they are succeeding!
Tammy Bruce
Letters from Bellevue
by Tammy on April 9, 2009
RobK April 9, 2009 at 12:23 pm
I’m sure the uneducated “Media Doesn’t Matters” goofball, who e-mailed you saying you were speaking about Mrs. Urkel, will read this.
The Activity Pit
Media Matters is Displeased with Red Eye. They Utilized Both the ALL-CAPS and the Italics.
Posted by Kate on January 7, 2010 at 11:55pm in Red Eye
Reply by London Dave on January 8, 2010 at 10:32am
Omigod—Media Doesn’t Matters must have the most humorless Drones posting this side of the Socialist Workers Party or Kim Jong Ill.
Reply by London Dave on January 8, 2010 at 2:08pm
Media Doesn’t Matter has a long history of taking conservative comments totally out of context, twitisn them and then feedin their garbage to a compliant media.
The American Right
12-18-2010 06:46 PM
More Media (Doesn’t) Matter Double Standard
Will the left now be asking some of their like-minded brethren to tone down their “class warfare” rhetoric?