Merger Monday

Companies often hold negotiations during the weekend and prepare important business announcements for Monday. So many mergers and acquisitions were announced on Mondays in the 1990s that the term…

Messed-up Monday

"Messed-up Monday” is a drinking slang name for a day of the week. "Messed-up Mondays" has been cited in print since at least 2005. Other slang names for days of the week include…

Metropolis of America

"Metropolis” (from the Greek word polis for “city") means “a large city” and is not a city nickname peculiar to New York City. In the 1700s, Philadelphia (and sometimes Boston)…


"Metrotard" is a type of person whose name is derived from transit's "Metrocard." It's a combination of "metro" (from "metropolitan") and…

Mexicoke (Mexican Coke)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Twitterrstevens 3.01‏@rstevens@lamelama22 I've had MexiCoke, not sure they do the Dew. This is what @cabel was talkin' 'bout:…

Micro Apartment

In July 2012, New York City announced plans for proposed "micro-unit" apartments (under 450 square feet) for a city-owned building at 335 East 27th Street, in the Kips Bay neighborhood of…


The term "micro-loft" was trademarked by Rosslyn Lofts (Los Angeles, CA), with a first use in commerce on August 11, 2006. The term "microloft" -- synthetic fibers -- had been…


There are at least two meanings for "micro-recipe." A "micro-recipe" can be a recipe to be cooked in a microwave oven. This use of "micro-recipe" dates to at least…