Perp Walk

"Perp" means "perpetrator." The New York City "perp walk" is the long walk the perp takes, usually from a vehicle into a building, facing the cameras of the press…

Pet Bank

'Pet bank" is a derisive term that was applied to state banks that were selected to receive government deposits in 1833, taking the place of the Second United States Bank that President…


A "petrodollar" (petroleum + dollar) is a United States dollar earned by a country (such as an OPEC country) in the sale of its petroleum exports to another country. Georgetown University…


"Petrodollar" has been cited in print since 1973; "petrogold" has been cited in print since at least 2008. The "petrogold" term was popularized on the blog Zero Hedge…

Pfizer Flop

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in vaccines, many of which were made by Pfizer. The effectiveness of these vaccines became questioned, and many seemingly healthy people were filmed…