Magic Number

A "magic number" is the combination of team wins and a contending team's losses that will clinch a playoff spot or title. A "tragic number" is the opposite -- a combination…

Magnet School

The first "magnet school" was in Philadelphia in the 1960s, not New York. A "magnet" school specializes in something (science or performing arts or business, for example) to…

Mahjong (Mah Jongg)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: MahjongMahjong, also spelled majiang, mah jongg, and numerous other variants, is a game that originated in China. It is commonly played by four players (with…

Main Stem (Broadway)

Broadway has also been known as the "Main Stem." The term (used mostly in the 1920s and 1930s) is now historical. A "Main Stemmer" (or "mainstemmer") was another term…

Main Stem Femme (a Broadway girl)

Syndicated newspaper columnist Walter Winchell (1897-1972) introduced the term "main stem femme" in Life magazine on June 4, 1928, in an article titled "Along the Main Stem."…

Main Stemmer (Mainstemmer)

"Main stem" was a popular nickname for Broadway, especially in the 1920s. A person who worked on the Broadway or who enjoyed Broadway shows was a "Main Stemmer" (or…

Main Stemmer (Mainstemmer)

"Main stem" was a popular nickname for Broadway, especially in the 1920s. A person who worked on the Broadway or who enjoyed Broadway shows was a "Main Stemmer" (or…