Great American Eclipse

Entry in progress -- B.P. TwitterRoyal Insight‏@RoyalinsightThe Great American Eclipse - August 21 2017 5:49 PM - 6 Oct 2012 NBC NewsSCIENCE AUG 21 2015, 7:41 PM…

Great Bright Way (Broadway)

"Great Bright Way" (Great White Way + bright) was proposed in 2020 as a new nickname for the Broadway theater district in New York City. "White" is potentially perceived by some…

Great Compression

The term "Great Compression" was coined by Claudia Dale Goldin and Robert A. Margo in their book, The Great Compression: The wage structure in the United States at mid-century (1991). The…

Great Contraction

The "Great Contraction" is the period from 1929-1933 that is also called the "Great Depression." Economist Milton Friedman (1912-2006) popularized -- but did not coin -- the…

Great Debasement

The "Great Debasement" (1542-1551) occurred when the English Crown reduced the gold and silver content in its coins, saving the government money. The name "Great Debasement" was…

Great Default

"Great Default" is a term coined and popularized by the economist Gary North, borrowing "great" from names such as the "Great Depression" and the "Great…

Great Deformation

David Stockman, the Reagan administration's Director of the Office of Management and Budget (1981–1985), announced in 2012 his new book, The Great Deformation: How Crony Capitalism Corrupts…

Great Depression

"Great Depression" is the name for the economically depressed period in the United States beginning with the October 1929 stock market crash and lasting throughout the 1930s. The term…

Great Disorder

The term "Great Disorder" has been cited in print since at least 1974 to describe China's Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). Mao Zedong (1893-1976) sought to create "the great…

Great Divergence

The economist Paul Krugman wrote in the first post of his New York (NY) Times blog, The Conscience of a Liberal, on September 18, 2007: "The great divergence: Since the late 1970s the America…

Great Moderation

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Great ModerationIn economics, the Great Moderation refers to a reduction in the volatility of business cycle fluctuations starting in the mid-1980s, believed to…

Great Rebalancing

The financial term "Great Rebalancing" was cited by Newsweek on June 26. 2006: "I think we'll look back and 2006 will seem possibly like the middle phase of what you might call…

Great Recession

"Great Recession" is a variant of the 1930s name "Great Depression." Many writers have called economic dips a "Great Recession," starting about 1974 and continuing in…