Foodfucked or Food Fucked

American chef, author, and television personality Anthony Bourdain hosted the CNN show Parts Unknown; the May 5, 2013 show was about the food of Quebec. On Tumbr in the article “Foodfucked in Quebec” on May 4, 2013, Bourdain defined and popularized a word:
“Foodfucked: to be fed more food of a ridiculously high quality and deliciousness than deemed judicious by any reputable health authority whilst in no position to refuse
“Chefs Martin Picard, David McMillan and Frederic Morin are masters of foodfuckery. They are loved, respected and feared by chefs from all over the world who’ve visited them at their restaurants in Montreal (Picard’s Au Pied de Cochon and McMillan and Morin’s Joe Beef and Liverpool House). They are justifiably feared for their generosity with fine wines and liqueurs, their profligacy with ingredients like black truffles and foie gras.”

“Foodfucked” had been entered in the Urban Dictionary in 2007 and in 2010, with the former defined as “feeling sleepy and/or lazy after eating a large meal” and the latter “completely and totally stuffed with food.” Bourdain’s definition, however, is quite different.
Urban Dictionary
Feeling sleepy and/or lazy after eating a large meal. Also known as “The Itis”.
“I just got myself food-fucked at the Chinese Buffet down the street. I’m gonna go take a nap.”
by Mark71 Sep 30, 2007
Urban Dictionary
Food Fucked
Completely and totally stuffed with food.
Sallie says"God damn i’m fucking full as shit” Jordan says “I’m beyond full, I’m food fucked.”
by Hairy Richard Head Aug 28, 2010
Tumbr—Anthony Bourdain
MAY 4 2013
Foodfucked: to be fed more food of a ridiculously high quality and deliciousness than deemed judicious by any reputable health authority whilst in no position to refuse
Chefs Martin Picard, David McMillan and Frederic Morin are masters of foodfuckery. They are loved, respected and feared by chefs from all over the world who’ve visited them at their restaurants in Montreal (Picard’s Au Pied de Cochon and McMillan and Morin’s Joe Beef and Liverpool House). They are justifiably feared for their generosity with fine wines and liqueurs, their profligacy with ingredients like black truffles and foie gras.
Monday, May 6, 2013, by Raphael Brion
EATER LEXICON: FOODFUCKED In a post about the Quebec episode of Parts Unknown, host Anthony Bourdain defines the term “foodfucked.” Quote: “to be fed more food of a ridiculously high quality and deliciousness than deemed judicious by any reputable health authority whilst in no position to refuse.” According to Bourdain, “Chefs Martin Picard, David McMillan and Frederic Morin are masters of foodfuckery.” [Bourdain Tumblr]