FoodPolitik (food + realpolitik)

“FoodPolitik” (food + realpolitik) is the title of a food politics column by Rick Berman on the blog The Daily Caller, published since September 20, 2010. “Food Politics” is the title of a blog by food studies author Marion Nestle, after the title of her 2002 book.
The term “foodpolitik” has been almost exclusively used by Rick Berman, although it could be generically used by others.
Free Merriam-Wesbter Dictionary
re·al·po·li·tik noun, often capitalized \rā-ˈäl-ˌpō-li-ˌtēk\
Definition of REALPOLITIK
: politics based on practical and material factors rather than on theoretical or ethical objectives
German, from real actual + Politik politics
First Known Use: 1914
OCLC WorldCat record
Food politics : how the food industry influences nutrition and health
Author: Marion Nestle
Publisher: Berkeley : University of California Press, ©2002.
Series: California studies in food and culture, 3. 
Edition/Format:  Book : State or province government publication : English
Summary: [In this book, the author] examines what she sees as the industry’s manipulation of America’s eating habits while enumerating many conflicts of interest among nutritional authorities. Combining the scientific background of a researcher and the skills of a teacher, she has made a complex subject easy to understand.-Back cover.
The Daily Caller
FoodPolitik: Sugar semantics and the FDA
Published: 12:41 AM 09/20/2010
By Rick Berman
If you ask Americans what they think about all the sodium chloride and folic acid in their diets, they’ll probably look at you funny. Tell them these are just scientific names for salt and a B-vitamin, and your audience will crack a knowing grin.
The Daily Caller
FoodPolitik: When Celebrity Nutritionists Gut Their Own Credibility
Published: 11:38 PM 10/03/2010
By Rick Berman
Sometimes celebrity idiocy is subtle, but it’s usually memorable. Take Jillian Michaels, for example. She’s the fitness masochist whose fame started with the “Biggest Loser” weight-loss reality show. Years of suspense-filled Tuesday night weigh-ins have made Michaels’ health advice the pop-culture “flavor of the month.”
The Daily Caller
FoodPolitik: Put Down the Margarine and Come Out with Your Hands Up!
Published: 12:56 AM 11/01/2010
By Rick Berman
When the heck did the Food Police get actual badges?
The Daily Caller
FoodPolitik: Are soft drinks racist?
Published: 12:54 PM 02/20/2012
By Rick Berman
“Spread of soda tax fizzles,” read a headline last week on authoritative state politics website Stateline. We shouldn’t pop the champagne cork just yet, though. Anti-sugar activists are still gunning for soft drinks.
The Daily Caller
FoodPolitik: Sensationalist claims of ‘risk’ only benefit special interests
Published: 12:53 AM 03/05/2012
By Rick Berman
We’ve all heard the media mantra that “sex sells.” So does sensationalism. And it’s abused regularly by agenda-driven groups who want to indoctrinate us with their view that one food or another is harmful and in need of government control.