Fixed News (Fox News nickname)

The Fox News Channel (headquartered in Manhattan) has often been criticized for conservative bias. The nickname “Fixed News" has been used by some critics of Fox News since at least October…


"Fixer upper" was frequently used in the 1930s to mean a person who fixes things up. In the 1940s, houses that needed work were advertised -- at presumed lower prices -- for these…

Flagel (Flat Bagel, or Flat)

The "flagel" (FLAY-gel) -- also called a "flat bagel," "bagel flat" and "flat" -- appears to have been invented in Long Island or New York City in the 1980s…

Flappachino (flap + cappuccino)

Everyone knows about a "cappuccino," and Starbucks Coffee Company sells a "frappuccino." "FLAPPUCCINO A Starbucks induced queef" was entered in the Urban Dictionary on…

Flapper Pie

"Flapper Pie" is named after the 1920s flappers. It is a Graham cracker vanilla custard pie topped with meringue. The origin of flapper pie is uncertain, but a recipe from Mrs. Thomas…

Flappuccino (flap + cappuccino)

Everyone knows about a "cappuccino," and Starbucks Coffee Company sells a "frappuccino." "FLAPPUCCINO A Starbucks induced queef" was entered in the Urban Dictionary on…

Flapuccino (flap + cappuccino)

Everyone knows about a "cappuccino," and Starbucks Coffee Company sells a "frappuccino." "FLAPPUCCINO A Starbucks induced queef" was entered in the Urban Dictionary on…

Flash Crash

A "flash crash" is a sudden stock market decline. This can be triggered by computer selling, turning a small stock market drop into a crash in just a matter of minutes. The May 6, 2010…


"Flashpacking" (flash + backpacking) is an affluent backpacker. A "flashpacker" might travel light, but has access to money and can travel expensively, if necessary. The website…

Flat Broke

To be "flat broke" is to have absolutely no money. The word "flat" is added, perhaps, to emphasize that there is no bulge in any pants pocket to show even a single coin.…

Flatbush Diabetes

"Flatbush diabetes" was identified in 1994 by Dr. Mary Ann Banerji and others at the Diabetes Center of SUNY Downstate Medical Center in East Flatbush, Brooklyn. (It is, perhaps, more…

Flavor Town (Flavortown)

"Flavor Town" (or "Flavortown") means a restaurant or a dish -- and sometimes a food destination city -- that is packed with flavor. In many print ads in 1939 and 1940,…

Flavorgasm (flavor + orgasm)

"Flavorgasm" (flavor + orgasm) is a very favorable experience with food or drink. "Flavorgasm" was the Urban Dictionary "Urban Word of the Day" on November 30, 2008.…