Donkeycrat (donkey + Democrat)

“Donkeycrat” (Democratic donkey + Democrat) is an infrequently used and generally derogatory term for a Democrat. “Donkeycrat” has been cited in print since at least 1929.
27 April 1929, Tampa (FL) Morning Tribune, pg. 8, col. 6:
BUSHNELL—I see you are trying to still be a “Donkeycrat”—whooping up for the enemies of the people by paying for and publishing Brisbane’s stuff and still claiming to be more than one-half of one percent democratic.
(Letter by W. H. Kirkpatrick—ed.)
9 March 1950, Hartford (CT) Courant, “The People’s Forum: Meditation From A Connecticut Thicket” by Rowland F Denison, pg. 10:
And he can well shake his head at the “evil” of urban concentration, which was feared and dreaded of old by one whom present-day Donkeycrats apparently revere—Thomas Jefferson.
24 September 1956, El Paso (TX) Herald-Post, “Many who hate Ike also dislike peace” by Duncan Montgomery, pg. 18, cols. 4-5:
That does sound like a first rate indictment, but the Nominee of the Donkeycrats has to blow some sort of horn.
29 August 1972, Oakland (CA) Tribune, pg. 16, col. 5::
EDITOR: The frustrated “donkeycrat” aspiring to become our chief executive is doing everything possible to aggravate Mr. Nixon into debate, but the President very properly is reluctant to comply.
(Letter by M. W. Madsen, Sunnyvale—ed.)
Google News Archive
20 May 1993, Wilmington (NC) Star-News, “Our Readers’ Views,” pg. 10A, col. 4:
Willie needs to tell his Donkeycrats to stop emptying the Social Security cookie jar.
(Letter by Joseph D. Lewis of Wilmington—ed.)
Google Books
July-August 1996, Spy, pg. 19, col. 1:
Seven Donkeycrats have made the switch since November 8, 1994.
Google Books
Jake’s Alley:
Caution: “Man Thinking”

By Jake Jacobson, Esq.
Bloomington, IN: AUthorHouse
Pg. 126:
Over the past twenty years, the “Democratic Party” has evolved, (stealthily), into the “Donkeycrat Party”!!!
Their secret motto is—“See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil”—(of the “Donkeycrat Party”)!!!