Cover Jinx

Time magazine was first published in New York City on March 3, 1923. In the 1930s, it was noticed that sports figures who appeared on Time's cover appeared to be jinxed afterward. Time started…


Entry in progress -- BP Wikipedia: COVID-19 pandemicThe COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe…

Crab Imperial

"Crab Imperial" is a classic dish from Baltimore, Maryland. Serious Eats printed "How to Make Crab Imperial, the Maryland Crab Cake’s Wild Cousin" by Daniel Gritzer on August…

Crab Rangoon

"Crab Rangoon" is a crab dish from the 1950s named after Rangoon a city in the country of Burma; the city was renamed Yangon, and the country was renamed Myanmar. Despite the name, there…

Crabmeat Remick (Crab Meat Remick)

Crabmeat Remick (or "crab meat Remick" or "crab Remick") was created at the Plaza Hotel in New York City, about 1920, by chef Nestor Lattard. Lattard frequently named dishes…