“When someone says, ‘You won’t believe what I saw on the news!’ Correct”
"When someone says, 'You won't believe what I saw on the news!' Correct" is a meme that has been printed on many images. That is, someone thinks that the news has something…
"When someone says, 'You won't believe what I saw on the news!' Correct" is a meme that has been printed on many images. That is, someone thinks that the news has something…
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) joined Twitter in 2014. "We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet" was posted on X/Twitter by CIA on June 6, 2014. "When the…
Computers often query users, "Are you a robot?" "When computers ask 'are you a robot' they might just be trying to find their family..." was posted on Reddit --…
A media quotation was posted on Facebook by Motivational, Successful and Inspirational Pictures and Quotes on February 21, 2021, and is of unknown authorship: "When the media controls the…
"When the media is behind your movement, you aren't the resistance" is a saying that has been printed on several images. In the United States, the media (such as television networks)…
"When the past calls, let it go to voicemail. It has nothing new to say" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying was posted on Twitter by TheSingleWoman (author Mandy…
"When you have nothing to do, do it on Facebook" is a jocular one-line Facebook saying that has been printed on images. The saying was popularized by a May 2008 cartoon. “When you have…
"When you have nothing to say, say it on Twitter” is a jocular one-line Twitter saying that has been printed on images. Twitter messages are only 140 characters, so one can't say much.…
Many people on social media are not too bright. "Take a look at trending topics on Twitter and you'll understand why they have to write 'do not eat' on dry silica packets"…
"Naptop" is a portmanteau of the words "nap" and "laptop" that has been printed on many images. It has meant when a cat or a person goes to sleep on a laptop computer.…
"When you start to Excel, people start to spreadsheet" is a jocular saying about Microsoft Excel that has been printed on many images. "Spreadsheet" sounds like "spread…
"When you text a girl, you also text her friends" is a cautionary saying. "When you are texting a girl whose with her friends you are pretty much texting her friends #Theory"…
"When your advertising interrupts my video, it just makes me hate your product" is a saying that has been printed on a meme. "When your advertising interrupts my video… it just…
"When YouTube plays an unskippable ad but you look away so they don't win" (shown with a picture of a person looking away from a screen) has been printed on many images. this image…
A computer riddle was posted on Reddit -- Dadjokes on June 21, 2020: Q: Where are dead computer hackers buried?A: In decrypt. "Decrypt" is a pun on "the crypt" and…
A popular dad joke is: Q: Where does a dad keep all his jokes?A: In the dadabase. "Where do dads go to get there dad jokes? ... The dadabase" was posted on Twitter on April 18, 2016.…
Many newspapers have a "help wanted" section. Kelp isn't that wanted, but there's a riddle: Q: Where does seaweed go to look for a job?A: The "Kelp Wanted" section of…
"What's the best place to hide a dead body?" The jocular answer is the second page of Google search results, because nobody ever goes there. "Am I the only one who realises you…
When people are "blocked" (on social media such as Twitter), this has nothing to do with constipation, but there are jokes. "Can someone tell me what the National Constipation…
A riddle has been printed on many images: Q: Which way did the programmer go?A: He went data way. A version of the joke was printed in Boys' Life magazine in May 1975. Google BooksMay 1975,…