“When you put your laptop into the sleep mode, you have a naptop”
"Naptop" is a portmanteau of the words "nap" and "laptop" that has been printed on many images. It has meant when a cat or a person goes to sleep on a laptop computer.…
"Naptop" is a portmanteau of the words "nap" and "laptop" that has been printed on many images. It has meant when a cat or a person goes to sleep on a laptop computer.…
"When you start to Excel, people start to spreadsheet" is a jocular saying about Microsoft Excel that has been printed on many images. "Spreadsheet" sounds like "spread…
"When you text a girl, you also text her friends" is a cautionary saying. "When you are texting a girl whose with her friends you are pretty much texting her friends #Theory"…
"When your advertising interrupts my video, it just makes me hate your product" is a saying that has been printed on a meme. "When your advertising interrupts my video… it just…
"When YouTube plays an unskippable ad but you look away so they don't win" (shown with a picture of a person looking away from a screen) has been printed on many images. this image…
A computer riddle was posted on Reddit -- Dadjokes on June 21, 2020: Q: Where are dead computer hackers buried?A: In decrypt. "Decrypt" is a pun on "the crypt" and…
A popular dad joke is: Q: Where does a dad keep all his jokes?A: In the dadabase. "Where do dads go to get there dad jokes? ... The dadabase" was posted on Twitter on April 18, 2016.…
Many newspapers have a "help wanted" section. Kelp isn't that wanted, but there's a riddle: Q: Where does seaweed go to look for a job?A: The "Kelp Wanted" section of…
"What's the best place to hide a dead body?" The jocular answer is the second page of Google search results, because nobody ever goes there. "Am I the only one who realises you…
When people are "blocked" (on social media such as Twitter), this has nothing to do with constipation, but there are jokes. "Can someone tell me what the National Constipation…
A riddle has been printed on many images: Q: Which way did the programmer go?A: He went data way. A version of the joke was printed in Boys' Life magazine in May 1975. Google BooksMay 1975,…
An internet joke was posted on Twitter by sickipediebot on August 20, 2013: A salesman knocked on my door today."Who currently provides your Internet?" he asked.I said, "My next door…
"Who needs television when you have so much drama on Facebook?" is a jocular Facebook saying that has been printed on images. "waaaah so much drama on facebook. i really dont know…
Who needs expensive therapy when you can shitpost on social media for free? "who needs therapy when you can shitpost ab being depressed on tumblr" was posted on X/Twitter by woefully…
"Who says a good newspaper has to be dull?" was the famous 1960s ad campaign for the New York (NY) Herald Tribune that attempted to take readership from the rival New York (NY) Times.…
A popular email joke about the term "cc" (carbon copy) is: Q: Who's the patron saint of email?A: Francis of a CC. Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) never sent an email, of course.…
"Whoever said technology would replace all paper hasn’t tried wiping their ass/behind with an iPad" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Whoever said technology will…
There have been many puns about computers, bytes and (micro)chips. One riddle was printed in a 1990 newspaper: Q: What did the hungry computer eat at snacktime?A: Chips, one byte at a time. Another…
"Junk mail" usually has nothing to do with "junk" (sexual slang), but there are jokes. "Speaking of Brett Favre, I think it's time we start calling texted dick pics…
A computer "mouse" riddle has been printed on images: Q: Why can't cats work on the computer? A: They get too distracted chasing the mouse around. The joke was posted on Twitter on…