“The TW in Twitter stands for Time Wasted”
Twitter is an online news and social networking service. The name "Twitter" is not an acronym, but people have made several "backronyms" (back acronyms), usually starting with…
Twitter is an online news and social networking service. The name "Twitter" is not an acronym, but people have made several "backronyms" (back acronyms), usually starting with…
"The ugliness of ignorant ideas is BEAUTIFUL compared to the horror of everyone's mouth sewn shut" is an anti-censorship saying that has been printed on an image. The saying was…
"The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country..." is a humorous list describing the readers of various newspapers. The New York (NY) Times "is read by people who…
'The world is a magical place full of people waiting to be offended by something" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying often refers to the internet and social…
The Chicago Tribune has been calling itself "The World's Greatest Newspaper" since Chicago first had a world's fair (1893). It would own a newspaper and a television station…
Facebook is an online social media website that allows users to "like" posts. A joke was posted on Twitter by Chris on April 23, 2011: "The world's most prolific Facebook user…
"The worst thing about censorship is -- " -- the last part is blacked out -- is a saying that has been printed on many images. The censorship saying has been cited in print since at least…
"There are no dull stories, only dull reporters/writers/authors" is often said about newspaper writing and other writing. Longtime New York City newspaper columist Franklin Pierce Adams…
"There is nothing new under the sun" is from Ecclesiastes 1:9 of the Bible. By at least 1900, it was said that "there are no new stories under the sun." Each story is similar to…
"There are so many scams on the Internet now-a-days. Send me $19.95 and I will tell you how to avoid them" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. "There’s no…
"There are two sides to every story" is a very old proverb; the Greek writer Aesop (620-564 BCE) in the fable "The Mule" wrote that "every truth has two sides." For an…
"There are two typos of people" is a joke on "there are two types of people" that has been printed on many images. "There are two typos of people in this world--those who…
"There are two typos of people" is a joke on "there are two types of people" that has been printed on many images. "There are two typos of people in this world--those who…
"There are two typos of people" is a joke on "there are two types of people" that has been printed on many images. "There are two typos of people in this world--those who…
"There are two typos of people" is a joke on "there are two types of people" that has been printed on many images. "There are two typos of people in this world--those who…
American computer scientist and Yale University professor Alan Perlis (1922-1990) wrote "Epigrams on Programming" for ACM's SIGNPLAN (September 1982). One popular epigram is:…
Newspaper columnist and author Walter Lippmann (1889-1974) wrote in Liberty and the News (1920): "There can be no higher law in journalism than to tell the truth and shame the devil." The…
FaceTime (a proprietary videotelephony product developed by Apple Inc.) shouldn't be confused with "face time" (jokes), but there are jokes. "There are two guys stealing iPhones…
"There is magic in the air and it's called (free) WiFi" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "There's magic in the air and it's called Wifi" was…
The Soviet Union had two important propaganda newspapers. Pravda ("truth") was the communist party newspaper and was published between 1912 and 1991. Izvestia ("news") was the…