“The internet is full of cats because dog people go outside”
"The internet is full of cats because dog people actually go outside" is a jocular one-line saying. "The internet is full of cats because dog people go outside" was cited on…
"The internet is full of cats because dog people actually go outside" is a jocular one-line saying. "The internet is full of cats because dog people go outside" was cited on…
An "HTTP cookie" is not something that's eaten, but there have been several jokes. "The internet has become too politically correct. What's all this nonsense about disabled…
"Fun Fact: The internet was once a fun place for watching cat videos instead of monitoring the real-time collapse of late-stage capitalism" is a saying that has been printed on many…
"The job of the mainstream media today is to make you think that the views of 10% of the country are actually the views of 90% of the country" is a saying that has been printed on many…
"The duty/job of the newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" is credited to the "Mr. Dooley character of Finley Peter Dunne (1867-1936), who wrote in 1902:…
"The last time I had faith in the news was when it was with Huey Lewis" is a jocular saying that has been printed on several images. Huey Lewis and the News is an American rock band that…
Many people use their pets' names for passwords. "72% of all computer passwords are names of deceased pets" was posted on Twitter on May 31, 2008. "Passwords: the only thing…
"The longest five seconds in anyone’s life is waiting to press the 'Skip Ad' button on YouTube" is a jocular one-line saying about YouTube that has been printed on many…
"The man who created/invented autocorrect has died. Restaurant in peace/piece" -- a joke on "rest in peace" -- has been printed on many images. "The man who invented…
"The man who created/invented autocorrect has died. Restaurant in peace/piece" -- a joke on "rest in peace" -- has been printed on many images. "The man who invented…
"The media breaks its neck trying to demonize humans and humanize demons" is a saying that has been printed on an image. The saying was posted on Twitter by Coffee Party usa on February…
Entry in progress -- BP X/Twitter Liberty Pill Memes @LibertyPillMeme It's as simple as that. (The following text is shown on an image. -- ed.) The corporate media is the enemy of the people…
“The media is the virus” is what some have said about Covid-19 (coronavirus). "The media is the virus. People's behavior is the pandemic. Common sense is the cure" is a saying…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic was widely reported in the media, but many people did not trust the media. "The media is the virus" is a saying that has been printed on many images…
"The media isn't silent on child sex trafficking because of the children, it's because of who the customers are" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "The…
"Open your eyes. The media lies," "Open your eyes to the media lies" and "The media lies. Open your eyes" are sayings that have been printed on several images.…
One criticism of the media is that news covers the abnormal and not the normal. It's often said that one plane crash makes news, but a thousand planes that land safely do not make news. The…
American comedian Jake Weisman posted on Twitter on November 3, 2013: "The most amazing thing about the internet is how it allows you, with the click of a few buttons, to do absolutely nothing…
"The Most New York You Can Get" was, briefly in the 1990s, a slogan for the New York Daily News. It was never an official slogan such as "New York's Picture Newspaper" or…
The New York (NY) Times has been called the "paper of record." When politicians wanted information to be seen, they "leaked" the information to the Times. WikiLeaks (launched in…