“Forensics is ten” (jocular definition)
"Forensics" sounds like "four and six," and there are jokes. "Forensics: FORENSICS is ten. (Gary Hallock)" is a jocular definition that was posted on the newsgroup…
"Forensics" sounds like "four and six," and there are jokes. "Forensics: FORENSICS is ten. (Gary Hallock)" is a jocular definition that was posted on the newsgroup…
"Forgive your enemies, but don't/never forget their names" (or "Forgive your enemies, but always remember their names") is a quotation attributed to both John F. Kennedy…
"Four boxes govern the world -- the cartridge box, the jury box, the ballot box, and the band box" is a saying that was very popular in the 19th century. (A band box holds articles of…
"Fourth of July weekend is when we finally get to play our favorite American guessing game, Firework or Gunshot!" is a saying that has been printed on several images. "Today?…
"Fraud vitiates everything" is a legal maxim. If a contract was entered into on the basis of a fraud, the contract can be declared null and void. "Fraud could vitiate every…
"Free country? Name one thing you can do that isn't taxed, regulated or illegal" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "It's a free country!" is an old…
"Free markets decentralize power. Big government concentrates it" is shown on Google Images as a tweet from libertarian-conservative American journalist Brad Polumbo, but the tweet has…
"For the inequality of man, since equal men are not free and free men are not equal" and "Equal men are not free and free men are not equal" were both said by conservative…
"Free men do not ask for permission to bear arms" is a pro-gun saying that has been printed on several images. The saying was posted on Twitter on August 30, 2009, and became popular on…
"Free people don't ask for permission" is an anti-government saying that has been printed on several images. The saying means that free people don't have to ask (or beg) for…
"Freedom is lost gradually by an uninterested, uninformed, and uninvolved people" was posted on Twitter by JST DAVID on May 3, 2011. "'Freedom is lost gradually from an…
“Freedom is not, and never will be, extreme. Control is extreme. Desiring to control someone's life, for whatever reason, that is extreme" was said by American politician Aaron Libby at…
"Freedom is not a reward for compliance. That's how jails work" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying became popular during the COVID-19 (coronavirus)…
"Freedom is not a reward for good behavior. That's how prison works" (or "Freedom is not a reward for good behavior. That's how prisons work") is a saying that has…
"Freedom is not a reward for good behavior. That's how prison works" (or "Freedom is not a reward for good behavior. That's how prisons work") is a saying that has…
“Freedom is not, and never will be, extreme. Control is extreme. Desiring to control someone's life, for whatever reason, that is extreme" was said by American politician Aaron Libby at…
Government sometimes seeks to suspend personal freedoms and liberty "for the greater good." The saying "Freedom is the greater good" has been printed on many images.…
SEVAD posted "FREEDOM is the Possession of those who will FIGHT for it" on Twitter on August 29, 2021. The full music video is in the last five minutes of this YouTube video.…
"Freedom is your birthright. Stop asking permission for it" is a saying that has been shown on an image. Authorship of the saying is unknown. "STOP ASKING FOR PERMISSION AND TAKE…
"Freedom of speech is not a license to be stupid" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees freedom of speech. The…