“After whiskey, driving risky”

"After whisk(e)y, driving risky" (or "After drinking whisk(e)y, driving is risky") is road sign that has been printed on many images. The sign has been popular in Central Asia.…

“Aioli have eyes for you”

"Aioli have eyes for you #kitchensongs" was posted on Twitter by Sue on May 24, 2010. The joke is a pun on the famous song "I Only Have Eyes for You" (1934), by composer Harry…

“Aioli is just bougie mayonnaise”

Aioli (made from garlic, salt and olive oil) is similar to mayonnaise (made from oil, egg yolk, and an acid, either vinegar or lemon juice). "Mayonnaise is disgusting and aioli is just bougie…

“Alcohol is karaoke fuel”

Many people who can't sing look silly performing karaoke, and alcohol can help to fuel this. "Women drink vodka, rum, bourbon, tequila, why is whiskey a big deal? All good karaoke…