“Behind every great kid is a mom who’s pretty sure she’s screwing it all up”
"Behind every great kid is a mom who's pretty sure she's screwing it all up" (or "Behind every great kid is a parent who's pretty sure they're screwing it all…
"Behind every great kid is a mom who's pretty sure she's screwing it all up" (or "Behind every great kid is a parent who's pretty sure they're screwing it all…
"Behind every great kid is a mom who's pretty sure she's screwing it all up" (or "Behind every great kid is a parent who's pretty sure they're screwing it all…
"Behind every successful person/student, there is a deactivated Facebook account" is a saying about Facebook that has been printed on many images. "Behind every successful person,…
"Bilingual education makes you illiterate in two languages" is an old satiric remark about bilingual education. "One delegate said that in Eire, people are rapidly becoming…
Many introductory college courses end in "101." But what if the course is Binary 101? (101 is 5 in binary.) "I failed Binary 101.I said it was 6. http://bit.ly/1a78s7q via…
"Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same thing as division" is a popular biology joke. Cells multiply when a cell divides. "Biology is the only science in…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: BrailleBraille (Braille: ⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑) (/breɪl/; French: [bʁaj]) is a tactile writing system used by people who are visually impaired. It is…
"Bacteria defies the laws of Mathematics. It 'multiplies' when it 'divides' #OMGFacts" was posted on Twitter by Saimah on April 13, 2010. "Bacteria multiply when…
Dorothy Law Nolte (1924-2005) wrote verses under the title "Children Learn What They Live" for the Torrance (CA) Herald in 1954. She later published theverses in the book Children Learn…
"Children must be taught how to think, not what to think" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Authorship of the saying is uncertain, but it became popular in the late 1800s.…
"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life" is an old saying. "Choose a major you love and you'll never work a day in your life because that field…
"Rent, Bills, Cinco De Mayo, Mother's Day, and Memorial Day weekend… Who Tf put this month together?" is a May saying that has been printed on many images. "Cinco de mayo,…
"Coffee. Teach. Sleep. Repeat." is a teacher saying that has been printed on many images. "eat. coffee. teach. sleep. repeat." was posted on Twitter on July 15, 2010.…
"College ~ The most expensive party I've ever been to" is the text on a Rotten eCard. College was described as "the most expensive party my father ever sent me to" in 1994;…
Students trade-in computer games at GameStop; when they go to college, they trade-in textbooks at the college bookstore. "College bookstores are the only place worse than Gamestop for trade-in…
A saying about college was posted on Twitter by zoey on January 23, 2018: "College is a constant struggle of if I should eat, sleep, cry, study, or workout." The saying received many…
"College is a fountain of knowledge where students gather to drink" is a jocular line that has been cited in print since at least 1951. The saying is of uncertain authorship.…
College textbooks are usually very expensive. "College is just a really expensive book club where we read and discuss" was posted on Twitter by Peppy on February 1, 2010. "With…
"Adulthood/College is like looking both ways before you cross the street and then getting hit by an airplane" -- that is, doing everything right and then getting blindsided by something…
"Life is a soup and I'm a (fucking) fork" -- a utensil useless for drinking soup -- is a saying that has been printed on many images. The song "(I'm Gonna) Kick You…