“College—The most expensive party I’ve ever been to”
“College ~ The most expensive party I’ve ever been to” is the text on a Rotten eCard. College was described as “the most expensive party my father ever sent me to” in 1994; in 2006, the “most expensive party” line was credited to an anonymous comedian. A New York (NY) Times 2007 college essay was titled “College—The Most Expensive Party.”
The “college is the most expensive party” phrase was used on many blogs in 2012.
Rotten eCards
ecard text: College ~ The most expensive party I’ve ever been to.
22 July 1994, The Press of Atlantic City (NJ), “Trainer lavishes special attention on one horse to thrive at ACRC” by Bill LeConey:
She soon found that training horses was a more admirable pursuit than attending a college she calls “the most expensive party my father ever sent me to.”
18 September 2006, Bucks County Courier Times (Levittown, PA), “Don’t ignore cost-effective ways to get a college education” by Jeanne Michelle Gonzalez, pg. A6:
An anonymous comedian once recalled his college days as the most expensive party he had ever attended.
Bike Forums
05-26-07, 09:31 PM
College, the most expensive party ever :rolleyes:
New York (NY) Times
September 24, 2007, 12:00 am
College–The Most Expensive Party
Ginger Vieira
Champlain College, Class of 2008
From Hanover, New Hampshire
Despite all the tradition, I don’t believe it’s necessary to kill your brain cells with beer and drugs in order to “grow up.” Actually, it seems entirely counterproductive.
Google Books
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Boosting Your Financial IQ
By Ken Clark, CFP
New York, NY: Alpha Books (Penguin Books)
Pg. ?:
College—Life’s Most Expensive Party
Civic Writing @ FSC
College: The Most Expensive Party You’ll Ever Attend
April 6, 2009
This song, as well as many movies and TV shows, portrays the college experience as one long party. Although I am not denying that there are many parties along the way, college students do have SOME responsibility. This party-enriched media is sending the message that if you aren’t spending your time drinking and getting high, you must be a loser.
Graduation Gifts for Her
College Graduation Gift Ideas
Posted on March 20, 2012 by admin
College has been known to be “the most expensive party your parents will ever send you to.”
MARY · MAY 8TH, 2012
Was college just the most expensive party you’ve been to?
Just A Note From Jessilyn
Save the Stupid Youth Fund
Phone is ringing off the hook because your student loan payments are due from your short stint in college that was basically the most expensive party of your life.
The Hoops Prophet
Wake the Frick up People!! Gosh Damnit. I really mean it. Wake the Frick up!
Posted on June 28, 2012 by Primo Rudy
People are simply living for the weekend and getting wasted, and if they can get some free handouts along the way then all the merrier. People go to college for this reason. No seriously, they do. College is like the most expensive party on this planet. Mad props to the people that actually take college seriously.
Technology Tell
A few practical tips for college gamers
by PJ Hruschak on September 18, 2012 at 9:30 am
You are there to learn, not game.
You do not always need to be the life of the LAN party. I once heard a professor describe the first year of college for one guy as the most expensive party he’d ever attended. Do not spend all day gaming.